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Recent Posts by Deanna
Mon, Apr 09, 2012 1:20 PM in Nutrition SciPack
Hi! I completed the Nutrition Sci Pack too and I agree that the sci pack contains a lot of helpful and interesting information. I have to really take a look at the sci pack though because I teach Kindergarten and most of the information is really too advanced for their little minds. In Kindergarten we basically teach the children the importance of eating healthy (candy does NOT make a good brea...
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Thu, Mar 29, 2012 1:18 PM in Summer Youth Academy Ideas anyone?
Hi All -
wow those sound like awesome ideas - in fact, I may want to sign my children up for "Mrs. Tamiya's class." Hahahaha. In all seriousness, I think food is an excellent means of getting a scientific point across. I really like the idea of using "guri guri" to teach about gas and carbonation. You could also stress the importance of having a clean and sanitary environment. Hand washing...
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Mon, Mar 05, 2012 10:51 PM in Tactfully covering: The Gas We Pass??
This was a great forum! I would love to incorporate the book into my lessons. I teach Kindergarten and it's not uncommon for students to pass gas all day long, especially when they are sitting at the carpet listening to a story. The good thing is Kindergartners are very forgiving. They may giggle but they don't really make a stink (no pun intended - hahaha). Another book I like to read is Eve...
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Recent Reviews by Deanna
Science of Food Safety
Wed, Apr 18, 2012 2:27 PM
Science Of Food Safety
I found this to be a very informative and helpful SciGuide. I really liked how it gave me lesson plan ideas on simple yet important topics such as handwashing. In Kindergarten, handwashing is very crucial and important to ensure the health and well being of the students. I also liked the section on properly caring for and raising farm animals. We are fortunate enough to visit our neighboring highschool which has a mini farm. The students have a better understanding of where food comes from (instead of the local store or the kitchen). I also liked the section on the 4 C's. These lessons can be easily adapted to a Kindergarten classroom.
Science of Food Safety: Grades K-4
Mon, Apr 09, 2012 1:58 PM
Science of Food Safety
This was a very informative Sci Guide. I really liked the lessons and ideas, especially the ones on Bacteria, Taking Care of Farm Animals, the 4 C's, and handwashing. I currently teach Kindergarten and I am definitely going to be able to adapt many of the lessons to fit the needs of my students. I really like the lesson about taking care of farm animals. It talked about how to properly care for and feed farm animals, especially cows. Cows are important for giving us meat and milk. I also thought that the handwashing lessons were very appropriate for all grade levels. This sci guide is very informative and a must read for every educator!
Resources and Human Impact: Grades 5-8
Mon, Nov 07, 2011 2:41 PM
Resources and Human Impact
This was an interesting scuide to review. I really liked the section that talked about ecosystems. Ecosystems are definitely Kindergarten friendly content and something that I can talk about with my students. I really like the interactive game that allowed my and my students to match up the clues to the ecosystems. This section also gave a lot of helpful mini lessons that I could adapt to use in a Kindergarten classroom. I also liked the section on petroleum. It was interesting to see what and how the world would be like if we ran out of these resources.
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