Analyzing and Interpreting Data, Part 2: Maps and Cross-Sections

by: Russ Colson and Mary Colson

This chapter addresses the interpretation of data through graphs, maps, and cross-sections, which includes aspects of Developing and Using Models; Analyzing and Interpreting Data; Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking; Engaging in Argument From Evidence; and Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information. In this chapter’s example activity design (EAD), a geological cross-section activity is offered. This EAD engages students in thinking about topographic and geological information and gives them practice constructing profiles and cross-sections. A materials list, teacher background information, and outcomes are provided. This book selection includes the Table of Contents, Acknowledgments, About the Authors, About the Book, Introduction, and Index..

Grade Levels

High School


Earth & Space Science Instructional Materials Mathematics Science and Engineering Practices


Type Book ChapterPub Date 11/15/2016Pages 69Stock # PB409X_5

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