by: Brett Seymoure, Karla Moeller, Jason Borchert, Adrienne Stahlschmidt, Tirupalavanam Ganesh, and Andrew Webber
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Type Journal ArticlePub Date 4/1/2013Stock # ss13_036_08_72Volume 036Issue 08
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The Role of Water in Biodiveristy
This article captivated me from the moment I began reading. There was so much information about cohesion, adhesion, high specific heat capacity, the role of water in terms of its buffering ... See More
This article captivated me from the moment I began reading. There was so much information about cohesion, adhesion, high specific heat capacity, the role of water in terms of its buffering abilities and the importance of water in our lives. “Simply put, water is a crucial molecule for life on Earth, and where there is more water, there is usually higher biodiversity.” An incredibly powerful statement investigated through rich background information and an activity that can be done either in the field or the classroom, though it appears to be richer as a field investigation.
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