This chapter provides a context for translating standards into something understandable, manageable, and usable for those with the real task of teaching science. In the first sections, the chapter progresses from a brief discussion of the disciplinary core idea used in the next three chapters (i.e., Chapters 5–7), analysis of a standard, description of an integrated instruction sequence (i.e., 5E Instructional Model), and a brief overview of the learning progression that is the basis for class- room instruction described in Chapters 5–7. The second part of the chapter summarizes insights, lessons, and recommendations learned in the process of translating the NGSS to the classroom examples described in Chapters 5–7. This sample chapter also includes the Table of Contents, Foreword, Preface, and Index.
Type Book ChapterPub Date 10/7/2013Pages 14Stock # PB341X_4