by: Christine Anne Royce
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Early Childhood Elementary
5E Earth & Space Science Lesson Plans Literacy
Type Journal ArticlePub Date 4/1/2015Stock # sc15_052_08_16Volume 052Issue 08
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Engaging Elementary Students with Evidence Of Earth's Changing Surface
This article provides two ready to use 5E lessons that focus on the concept of Earth's changes. The first lesson and trade book focus on the Next Generation Science Standards for grade 2. Th... See More
This article provides two ready to use 5E lessons that focus on the concept of Earth's changes. The first lesson and trade book focus on the Next Generation Science Standards for grade 2. This lesson focuses on the idea that Earth has both quick and slow changes. The second lesson is geared towards grades 3 - 5 and focuses on how the study of rock patterns can be used to prove Earth's changes. Although both lessons are easy to replicate in the classroom, the stations mentioned in the intermediate lesson require the purchase of many different materials and would take a lot more preparation. I also liked how both lessons contained ideas for discussion questions, data sheets, and suggestions for assessments.
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