NARIKA_December Campaign

NSTA #Science60

The #Science60 initiative at NSTA is composed of sixty day long engagement campaigns designed to recognize the work that educators do on behalf of their students, their colleagues, and themselves to enhance the teaching profession.

Recent #Science60 Campaigns

Teaching is a challenging profession. As a teacher, you plan, instruct, assign and grade. In addition, you often serve as custodian, nurse, referee, mentor and friend. What keeps you working every day? What's Your Why?

Student Impact Stories

October 22 - December 21, 2018

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This #Science60 campaing took place between July 2 and August 30, 2018. NSTA recognized teachers of science who work on professional learning experiences during their summer "break." Teachers from across the globe shared the experiences they were completing throughout the summer and the number of hours spent. In total, nearly 12,000 hours of professional learning were logged in over 800 entries submitted by more than 400 educators representing all teaching levels!

Summer Professional Learning

July 2 - August 30, 2018

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