Vernier Science Education - August 2024 p2

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Nutrition Collection


8 items

This collection feature resources that explore the foods we eat, how our bodies react to them, making healthy food choices, what makes up the food we eat, and many more important information about nutrition. It is important for children to be informed and make healthy choices from a young age as it will affect their whole life as well as future generations.


3 reviews

Resources in “Nutrition” Collection

Title Resource Type
Nutrition Interactive E-book
Nutrition Interactive E-book
Nutrition: What are Nutrients? Science Objects have been retired and replaced with Interactive E-books
Nutrition: What Choices Lead to a Healthy Lifestyle? Science Objects have been retired and replaced with Interactive E-books
Nutrition: What Happens to the Food I Eat? Science Objects have been retired and replaced with Interactive E-books
Nutrition: What is Food? Science Objects have been retired and replaced with Interactive E-books
Science Shorts: From Soda to Smoothies Journal Article
Science Shorts: The Challenge of Nutrition Journal Article