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Brittani's Collection Collection


8 items

The selection of this collection are based on the lesson and interview i held with my students. Everything in the collection is dedicated to gravity. Weather its motion, force or energy. Reading the books and articles can give you a great insight on what exactly gravity is, and in what ways does it have an affect on us and our planet. Any of the books or articles can serve as a class book, to study the topic. They're extremely informative, reliable, accurate and relatable because the ideas can be turned into an activity in which the children can understand or relate to everyday life. Please read at least one article in my collection to see how interesting and informative they are.

Early Childhood Elementary Pre-K Kindergarten

Resources in “Brittani's Collection”

Title Resource Type
Force and Motion Interactive E-book
Gravity Book Chapter
Gravity Racers Journal Article
Making Sense of Motion Journal Article
May the Force Be With You! Journal Article
Science 101: What Is Gravity? Journal Article
Science Shorts: Energy in Motion Journal Article
Where Do You Find Gravity? Book Chapter