NSTA Engage: Fall20

November 13-15, 2020

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:9 - 12, Presentation, Leadership


Rooms and times subject to change.
7 results
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STEM, Equity, and Leadership

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
*Equity Resource List.docx
For NSTA Engage 2020 presentations
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4
Handout 4a
Handout 5
Handout 6
Handout 7
REVISED List of Handouts

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Concerned about the STEM achievement gap? Learn about the latest data, as well as experience a strategy for facilitating equity conversations and its use with students or colleagues to develop equity leaders.

1. To obtain the latest national data on the STEM achievement gap; 2. To experience a strategy for facilitating discussion of difficult equity issues; and 3. To be invited to become an equity leader, given the need and resources available.

Jerry Valadez (Fresno State and SAM Academy CSW), Gary Nakagiri (West Contra Costa Unified School District: Richmond, CA)

ASTE-Sponsored Session: Supporting Diverse New Teachers

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

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New diverse teachers leave the profession at incredibly high rates. Join us for a discussion of research-based implications on how to better support these educators.

1. Identify reasons it is critical to support new minority teachers; 2. describe strategies for supporting these educators; and 3. discuss practical tips for retaining diverse teachers in the profession.

Latanya Brandon (SUNY New Paltz: New Paltz, NY), Amanda Gunning (Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry Campus: Dobbs Ferry, NY), Meghan Marrero (Mercy University, Dobbs Ferry Campus: No City, No State)

Equity in Science Education Roundtable

Saturday, November 14 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4
Handout 5
Handout 6
List of handouts

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Join us in sharing your concerns and resources for enhancing equity and access in STEM programs. Learn what NSTA, and others, are doing for STEM equity nationwide.

1. To be able to share your issues and concerns related to equity and STEM; 2. To know, and be able to listen to, other like-minded educators who are concerned about equity and STEM; and 3. To be invited to join an ever-expanding national network of educators who are concerned about equity and STEM.

Gary Nakagiri (West Contra Costa Unified School District: Richmond, CA), Jerry Valadez (Fresno State and SAM Academy CSW)

NSELA-Sponsored Session: Tools for Science Leaders

Saturday, November 14 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
20Fall NSTA Tools For Leaders.pdf

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The National Science Education Leadership Association welcomes participants to an open roundtable discussion with experts who will share successful practices in science education.

Emerging leaders will leave with science education leadership skills.

Linda Cook (The University of Texas at Dallas: Richardson, TX), James Blake (Lincoln Public Schools: Lincoln, NE), Shane Woods (Girlstart)

How to Attract More Girls to STEM and Beyond!

Sunday, November 15 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

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A chief news meteorologist will share her story on disrupting stereotypes and celebrating gender equity from kindergarten to postsecondary. Emphasis will be placed on equipping educators with keys to attract young girls to STEM professions.

1. Embracing differences: challenging the status quo and debunking gender myths; 2. Learning to create education cultures that celebrate our uniqueness; and 3. Why girls need community and role models: developing stronger mentor/mentee programs for girls within our schools.

Ashley Gann (CBS 42 News: Birmingham, AL)

Rising to the Challenge: Creating Equitable Opportunities During a Remote Learning  Environment…and Beyond

Sunday, November 15 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

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Let's bring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into the forefront of science education! Join us as we share the details of our joint AMSE and NSTA Multicultural/Equity upcoming virtual miniseries. #DEIinACTION

1. Addressing the Elephant in the Room: A Focus on Diversity and Equity Among Minority and Underserved Students in Geographic Locations; 2. Designing for Equitable Sense-making with Multilingual Learners; and 3. All in the (Science) Family: Considerations and Strategies for Inclusive Science Teaching for All Students.

Alicia Conerly (Marion County Schools: Columbia, MS), Sharon Delesbore (Stephen F. Austin High School: No City, No State)

Sparking Discovery and Exploration—From Home!

Sunday, November 15 • 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM

STRAND: No Strand

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This session will engage teachers in experiencing and exploring free NGSS-focused resources for classrooms from STEM@GTRI.

1. Free NGSS-focused resources; 2. virtual field experiences; and 3. educational technology.

Tyler Kinner (Georgia Tech Research Institute: Atlanta, GA)

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