July 26-30, 2021

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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169 results
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Hands-On Air Quality Education Through Low-Cost Air Sensors


STRAND: STEM Ecosystems: Supporting Diverse, Equitable Practices and Partnerships

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Sponsoring Company: Kids Making Sense

Provide educators with the resources to teach students how to measure and monitor air quality, to interpret the data they collect, and to take action to reduce their exposure to air pollution.

How: 1. to meaningfully engage students in hands-on science activities; 2. using sensors can enhance the quality and comparability of data, while increasing student engagement; and 3. incorporating citizen science activities can enhance outcomes for communities.

Olivia Ryder (Sonoma Technology: Petaluma, CA)

Choosing the Right BIOZONE NGSS Series for Your High School


STRAND: High School

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Sponsoring Company: BIOZONE International Ltd.

BIOZONE’s two NGSS series have been designed to fully embrace the spirit of the NGSS. We will compare their features, guiding you to select the series best suited to your program. We will show how BIOZONE’s flexible print and digital solutions support you to teach face-to-face, remotely, or through hybrid programs.

1. Comparing features of the standard and integrated NGSS series; 2. guiding participants to select the series best suited to their program; and 3. print and digital solutions to support teachers who are teaching remotely or face-to-face.

Lissa Bainbridge-Smith (BIOZONE Corp.: Parker, CO), James Leggett (BIOZONE Corp.: Parker, CO)

Let’s Talk Science: Strategies to Encourage Student Voice in Your Classroom


STRAND: Middle Level

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

In this workshop, we will utilize a simple yet effective talk process that encourages students to more fully own their thinking and effectively communicate their ideas to peers. Join us in this interactive session to learn various talk strategies that support the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices, Argument-Driven Inquiry (ADI), and best-practice instruction for all learners!

1. Describe several ways to encourage student voice in the classroom; 2. how do you create an inclusive environment?; and 3. what are some examples of shared experiences?

Kristan Buckman (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Pam O'Brien (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX)

Formative Assessment Planning That Promotes Student Self-Responsibility and Yields Individual Student Success


STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

Join us to empower students' autonomous learning. We will explore a backward design strategy that helps you create a clear path of learning intentions through all your lessons, encouraging students to track their progress and decide how their time is spent preparing for the unit assessment.

1. Model a variety of formative assessments; 2. discuss how the results guide instruction; and 3. use student reflection to enhance student ownership.

Kristan Buckman (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX)

Engaging Student Engineers: Designing Engineering Solutions for Your Science Classroom


STRAND: Middle Level

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

Engineering design challenges enable you to apply science and engineering practices in your classroom! Discover structures and strategies that will encourage critical thinking and problem solving through the Engineering Design Process. Learn how to implement, modify, and scaffold these strategies for distance learning.

1. What is the Engineering Design Process (EDP) and what does it look like?; 2. how can we model the EDP experience with students, Including roles, navigation, and reflection?; and 3. how can we relate the EDP experiences to real life, 3-D learning, and 21st-century skills?

Pam O'Brien (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX)

Phenomena-Based Instruction and STEM: Equity for ALL Students


STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Sponsoring Company: Savvas Learning Co.

Science provides one of the best opportunities for teachers to offer equitable learning experiences for all students. By using science phenomena to anchor instruction, and by centering the anchoring phenomena around the students' locality and culture, all students have a voice and are represented. Join us to learn how to create a lesson plan centered around local phenomena that also engages students in STEM, modeling, inquiry, and much more!

1. Recognize the importance of using local phenomena to engage all learners; 2. use local phenomena to create phenomenal STEM lesson plans, including modeling and inquiry; and 3. provide exemplar resources to use in teachers' classrooms to promote phenomena and STEM.

Monica Wadler (Savvas Learning Co.: Paramus, NJ)

STEM IT! (STEM Internship Training): Addressing the Challenges of the High School Internship Application Process


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Sponsoring Company: DoD STEM

An introduction to STEM IT!, a pilot program aimed at increasing the number of underrepresented students with competitive applications to high school STEM internships.

Attendees will: 1. learn strategies for educating and coaching underrepresented students on how to find paid STEM internships, and to plan their application process and anticipation of interviews; 2. be introduced to a step-by-step approach to coaching and mentoring students through the actual application process, including helping them navigate complex technology, letters of reference requests, and responding to difficult interview questions; and 3. be provided with suggestions for guiding students through practice interviews and sharing basics of a workforce culture.

Julie Stolzer (Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM (TIES): Cleveland, OH), Toby Bothel (TAB Education Partners: Canton, OH), Marc Siciliano (Consultant: Chicago, IL)

Strategies for Recreating Science Inquiry Online


STRAND: High School

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Sponsoring Company: Savvas Learning Co.

How do you teach science online? Can students do labs online, can they engage in discussions, can they solve problems together? In this session, you'll learn about the Communities of Inquiry framework and how to use it to make your online lessons engaging.

Attendees will learn: 1. about the Communities of Inquiry framework and how to use it to make online lessons engaging; 2. how to do science inquiry with students either synchronously through remote learning, or asynchronously in fully online formats; and 3. strategies for engaging students with labs, problem solving, and discussions online.

Christopher Moore (University of Nebraska Omaha: Omaha, NE)

Applications of Pivot Interactives in the Classroom


STRAND: High School

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Sponsoring Company: Pivot Interactives

Pivot Interactives does more than just labs; with bell ringers and assessment tools built into the platform, it is designed to be a one-stop shop for science.

1. Makes demos interactive by providing short activities great for introducing new concepts; 2. enables authentic assessment by bringing experimental problems directly to students, regardless of their location; and 3. allows instructors to craft their own activities, down to the videos included in the assessments. It’s perfect for synchronous in-person sessions as well.

Eric Friberg (Pivot Interactives: Minneapolis, MN)

Pivot Interactives for Physical Science (Physics and Chemistry)


STRAND: High School

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Sponsoring Company: Pivot Interactives

This 25-minute session provides an introduction to Pivot Interactives as a tool for teaching the physical sciences, including physics and chemistry.

1. See a preview of student activities related to the physical sciences in a variety of forms, including interactive video, simulations, and sensors; 2. receive an initial view of the Pivot Interactives platform, including searching the libraries, setting up a class, and editing activities; and 3. consider some use cases in the classroom, including remote and in-person learning, lab supplements, and authentic assessments.

Eric Friberg (Pivot Interactives: Minneapolis, MN)

Pivot Interactives for Life Science (Biology and Environmental Science)


STRAND: High School

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Sponsoring Company: Pivot Interactives

This 25-minute session provides an introduction to Pivot Interactives as a tool for teaching the life sciences, including biology and environmental science.

1. See a preview of student activities related to the life sciences in a variety of forms, including interactive video, simulations, and sensors; 2. receive an initial view of the Pivot Interactives platform, including searching the libraries, setting up a class, and editing activities; and 3. consider some use cases in the classroom, including remote and in-person learning, lab supplements, and authentic assessments.

Eric Friberg (Pivot Interactives: Minneapolis, MN)

Evidence in the Era of NGSS


STRAND: Middle Level

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Sponsoring Company: Amplify

How can we best support students in building evidence-based explanations of phenomena?

Attendees with learn how: 1. a multi-modal approach allows students to gather evidence from a variety of sources and grapple with phenomena and real-world problems like scientists do; 2. an evidence-based learning approach works to support the NGSS; and 3. evaluating evidence can help students work toward being college and career ready.

Rebecca Abbott (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA)

Leading with Phenomena: Mystery in Desert Rocks Canyon


STRAND: Middle Level

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Sponsoring Company: Amplify

Geologists found a mysterious fossil in a rocky outcrop. How did it get there?

Attendees will learn how: 1. phenomenon-based science supports three-dimensional teaching and learning; 2. instructional sequences designed around engaging, authentic phenomena can motivate students by providing a powerful context; and 3. putting students in the role of a scientist or engineer can help them develop skills for college and careers.

Rebecca Abbott (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA)

Establishing a Culture of Figuring Out


STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Sponsoring Company: Amplify

Cultivate curiosity and value student voices while utilizing the structures and content from phenomena-based, NGSS-focused curricula.

All attendees will learn: 1. strategies on how to cultivate curiosity and value student voices; 2. how an NGSS-focused curriculum can support deeper learning and understanding; and 3. how to elevate science implementation by establishing a culture of figuring out.

Rebecca Abbott (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA)

Elementary STEM Showcase Prerecorded Video 1


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Video of STEAM in the Garden presentation
This is a video of our presentation that fixes an editing issue with the video for this session.

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Please enjoy this video of the following Pecha Kucha presentations on the best practices in STEM education.

Don't forget to attend the Elementary STEM Showcase at 4:15 PM EDT on Monday, July 26, to interact with presenters about STEM investigations and resources during the live Q&A session.

Transdisciplinary Instruction Through STEAM
Presenters: Kristin Cook and Richard Cox

STEAMING Ahead! Architects and Engineers Create, Discover, and Explore
Presenter: Belle Akers

Elementary Energy Explorations
Presenter: Melanie Harper

Mars Rover Landing Inspires Connected Curriculum
Presenter: Katie Morrison

Coding Science Stories
Presenter: Ashley Townsend

Early Childhood Engineering Experiences to Engage In-Person and Virtual Students
Presenter: Jenn Brown-Whale

Green Architects: The Wall Is Alive
Presenter: Annette Venegas

City on the Delta: Teaching Natural Disasters with the Engineering Design Process
Presenter: Jennifer C. Williams

Did You Feel That? A PreK Class Uses Local Phenomenon to Begin Studying Geology
Presenter: Anne Lowry

Family STEAM Nights Unpacked
Presenter: Elizabeth Dethloff

Far Away Ocean Problems with Local Connections: Engaging Students with Literature and Place-Based Learning
Presenter: Patricia Newman

Richard Cox, Jr. (Atrium Health), Elizabeth Dethloff (Robert R. Shaw Center for STEAM: Katy, TX), Melanie Harper (The NEED Project: Manassas, VA), Belle Akers (Convent & Stuart Hall's Schools of the Sacred Heart: San Francisco, CA), Jenn Brown-Whale (Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE): Baltimore, MD), Kristin Cook (Bellarmine University: Louisville, KY), Anne Lowry (Aleph Academy: Reno, NV), Katie Morrison (University Child Development School: Seattle, WA), Patricia Newman (Children's Book Author & Speaker: Carmichael, CA), Ashley Townsend (Oak Grove Primary School: Prairieville, LA), Annette Venegas (retired: Sterling, CO), Jennifer Williams (Isidore Newman School: New Orleans, LA)

Elementary STEM Showcase Prerecorded Video 2


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Video of STEAM in the Garden Presentation
This video fixes an issue with the narration in the YouTube video.

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Please enjoy this video of the following Pecha Kucha presentations on the best practices in STEM education.

Don't forget to attend the Elementary STEM Showcase at 4:15 PM EDT on Monday, July 26, to interact with presenters about STEM investigations and resources during the live Q&A session.

Remote Robots Roundup
Presenter: Tom Lauwers

STREAMing Engineering in the Elementary Classroom
Presenters: Lauren E. Burrow and Chrissy Cross

Build Like a Bird Engineer
Presenter: Julie Travaglini

Science Discoveries in PreK Town Planning?
Presenter: Anne Lowry

Adding STEAM to Your School Garden?
Presenters: Janet Mannheimer Zydney, Richard Schaen, and Jen Dobson

The Little Solar Pump That Could: An Elementary Gather, Reason, Communicate (GRC) Lesson
Presenter: Rebecca Garelli

Busy Birds Nest Builders
Presenter: Nancy Smith

STEMify Virtual Experiences
Presenter: Elizabeth Dethloff

Draw Like a Scientist
Presenter: Christine Preston

Family STEAM Nights Unpacked
Presenter: Elizabeth Dethloff

Transformative Curriculum Making: Science Accessible
Presenters: Sumer Seiki, Jolynn Asato, and Manisha Hariani

Jolynn Asato (San Jose State University: San Jose, CA), Lauren Burrow (Stephen F. Austin State University: Nacogdoches, TX), Chrissy Cross (Stephen F. Austin State University: Nacogdoches, TX), Elizabeth Dethloff (Robert R. Shaw Center for STEAM: Katy, TX), Jen Dobson (Wyoming City Schools: Cincinnati, OH), Rebecca Garelli (Arizona Science Teachers Association), Manisha Hariani (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA), Tom Lauwers (Birdbrain Technologies, LLC: Pittsburgh, PA), Anne Lowry (Aleph Academy: Reno, NV), Janet Mannheimer Zydney (University of Cincinnati: Cincinnati, OH), Christine Preston (The University of Sydney: Sydney, 0), Richard Schaen (Wyoming City Schools: Cincinnati, OH), Sumer Seiki (University of California Riverside Extension: Riverside, CA), Nancy Smith (Heatherstone Elementary School: Olathe, KS), Julie Travaglini (Allegheny Land Trust: Sewickley, PA), Ben Koo (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA)

Elementary STEM Showcase Prerecorded Video 3


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Please enjoy this video of the following Pecha Kucha presentations on the best practices in STEM education.

Don't forget to attend the Elementary STEM Showcase at 4:15 PM EDT on Monday, July 26, to interact with presenters about STEM investigations and resources during the live Q&A session.

Practicing the Practices in Elementary Engineering Design
Presenter: Ashley Townsend

Introductory STEM: Engaging Preschoolers with Dinosaurs
Presenter: Laura B. Schneider

Growing Plants and Minds: Using Digital Tools to Support Preschool STEM Learning
Presenter: Ashley Lewis Presser

Documenting Early Science Learning Through Children's Nature Journals
Presenter: Ron Grady

Bookmark STEM: Engaging Families in STEM and Literacy
Presenter: Sara Nelson

Marvelous Metals Matter! (A STEAM Lesson for Fifth Graders Incorporates the Engineering Design Process with Implications for Other Grade Levels)
Presenter: Kathleen J. Tate

Engineering with Paper: STEAM Projects with Just Paper, Tape, and Scissors
Presenter: Godwyn Morris

Pulmonology! Students Diagnose Diseases Like Lung Cancer Through Sound!
Presenter: Dieuwertje Kast

Science Tales
Presenter: Robert Wallace

Let's Celebrate the Poetry of Science
Presenters: Janet Wong and Sylvia Vardell

Ron Grady (NOLA Nature School: New Orleans, LA), Dr. Dieuwertje Kast (USC Joint Educational Project: Los Angeles, CA), Ashley E. Lewis Presser (EDC Center for Children and Technology: New York, NY), Godwyn Morris (Dazzling Discoveries / Skill Mill NYC: New York, NY), Sara Nelson (Iowa State University: Ames, IA), Laura Schneider (Father Andrew White School: Leonardtown, MD), Kathleen Tate (American Public University System: Charles Town, WV), Ashley Townsend (Oak Grove Primary School: Prairieville, LA), Sylvia Vardell (Texas Woman's University: Denton, TX), Rob Wallace (: Kenner, LA), Janet Wong (Pomelo Books: Princeton, NJ)

Keynote Presentation: A Morning with Kate Biberdorf

Monday, July 26 • 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

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NSTA July 2021 powerpoint.pdf

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As seen on the Today Show and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Dr. Kate Biberdorf is breaking stereotypes and blowing stuff up—all in a good pair of heels. Through her theatrical and hands-on approach to teaching, Dr. Biberdorf is breaking down the image of the stereotypical scientist, while reaching students that might otherwise be intimidated by science. Drawing forth emotional responses, rather than rote recitation of facts is key to Biberdorf ’s dynamic approach to her program, as well as to science in general. Her exciting and engaging program leaves audiences with a positive, memorable impression of science—all while diminishing the stigma around women in science.

Dr. Biberdorf is the author of Kate the Chemist: The Big Book of Experiments, a collection of 25 kid-friendly science experiments that come prepared with a messiness factor rating and a note from Kate about how each experiment works. Her newest book, Dragons vs. Unicorns, is a children's novel and was released in March 2020.

Kate Biberdorf (The University of Texas at Austin: Austin, TX)

Investigating How the Ocean's Story Is Our Story

Monday, July 26 • 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Using inquiry-based activities, we will investigate how our lives are connected to the ocean and how we impact it through climate change, pollution, and overfishing.

1. Learn how to introduce phenomena-based activities about climate science to students, including global warming, ocean acidification, coral bleaching, and plastic pollution; 2. Increase ocean awareness and inspire community involvement that leads to changes in the status quo; and 3. Suggest ideas for preparing students as future leaders to think globally about the ocean as it impacts food supplies, jobs, and populations on the move to escape sea level rise and crop failure.

Patricia Newman (Children's Book Author & Speaker: Carmichael, CA)

Hands-On Engineering and Phenomena-Based Learning with Science+

Monday, July 26 • 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

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Power Point File
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STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Discover how to engage students in science using three-dimensional learning with engineering projects and computational thinking. Free access to grades 3–5 lessons.

1. Explore real-world phenomena to motivate students and guide learning; 2. Learn practical tips for reaching all three dimensions of the science standards; and 3. Understand how to guide students in conducting online research and analyzing authentic data.

Brittany Pike (CYBER.ORG: Bossier City, LA), Laurie Salvail (CYBER.ORG: Bossier City, LA)

STEAM with SPED: What Full Inclusion Looks Like

Monday, July 26 • 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Co-teaching or have lots of mainstreamed SPED students? Pick up some useful strategies and clever tools to help bridge the anxiety gap here!

1. Co-teaching best practices; 2. Mainstreaming with SPED students made more comprehensible and easier to do; and 3. Online teaching, grading for SPED students and more addressed.

Julie A. Smith (Lennox Middle School: Lennox, CA)

Dream It, Design It

Monday, July 26 • 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA - DIDI - Summer 2021 (PUBLIC).pdf
These are the slides used for today's presentation.

STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Students and teachers can learn about STEM in an immersive and risk-friendly environment? A regional student competition was developed to accomplish this feat.

1. Students will take risks in learning when they are set up for success; 2. Teachers and students can learn together; and 3. Professional Development does not have to be lecture in format.

Patrice Semicek (Montgomery County Intermediate Unit 23: Norristown, PA), Ben DeSantis (Montgomery County Intermediate Unit 23: Norristown, PA)

Dogs, DNA, and Doo-doo: Authentic Investigations into Data Interpretation

Monday, July 26 • 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

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Dogs, DNA and Doo-doo
Across the globe, dogs snoop on poop to save endangered species. By studying the stories in scat, students learn mapping, literacy and data interpretation skills. Takeaways: 1. The science of scat and the detection dog methodology offer engrossing strategies to engage students with STEM; 2. Scientific fields depend on scientists from diverse backgrounds with diverse skill sets; and 3. Strategies and visuals help students understand, collect, map, and interpret data responsibly.

STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Across the globe, dogs snoop on poop to save endangered species. By studying the stories in scat, students learn mapping, literacy and data interpretation skills.

1. The science of scat and the detection dog methodology offer engrossing strategies to engage students with STEM; 2. Scientific fields depend on scientists from diverse backgrounds with diverse skill sets; and 3. Strategies and visuals help students understand, collect, map, and interpret data responsibly.

Heather Montgomery (Science Author: Ardmore, TN)

STEM Collaboration from the Ground Up: Hydroponics in the Classroom

Monday, July 26 • 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

STRAND: Upper Elementary

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The Dallas Arboretum and Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD will share the process and results of their collaborative STEM hydroponics program.

Attendees will: 1. explore the development process of the hydroponics collaborative; 2. view sample before-and-after lesson plans as a result of the curriculum redesign; and 3. learn about lessons learned and opportunities for growth, including adjustments due to distance learning.

Dustin Miller (Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden: Dallas, TX), Christy McClain (Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD: Carrollton, TX)

In the Rethink Tank: Turning Trash into Treasure with the Sustainability Superheroes

Monday, July 26 • 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

STRAND: Upper Elementary

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In this session, we will illustrate how educators created integrated STEM activities through real-world sustainability design challenges.

1. Sustainability issues engage students with real-world local and global problems; 2. Adapting a "Shark Tank-like" format into a "Rethink Tank" provides key questions and criteria to help students use entrepreneurial thinking to create innovative solutions to problems; and 3. Sustainability topics allow for not only STEM integration, but connections to English Language Arts, Social Studies, Career Education, and the Arts.

Deborah Kozdras (University of South Florida: Tampa, FL), Christine Angel Danger (Hillsborough County Public Schools: Tampa, FL)

Effectively Using “Science Kits” to Achieve the NGSS

Monday, July 26 • 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

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Using Science Kits Presentation
This file contains a PDF copy of the presentation given at NSTA STEM 21 on Monday, July 26, 2021.

STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Learn how to use your existing science kit materials to support your students with NGSS, based on experiences from the Elementary Science Olympiad program.

Attendees will learn: 1. how to modify "instructional kits" available to them to allow for authentic student inquiry; 2. how to structure instruction to allow for cycles of failure and feedback; and 3. how hands-on science supports implementation of the NGSS.

John Loehr (Science Olympiad: Oakbrook Terrace, IL), Shari Haug (: Elmhurst, IL)

STEM-ify Content Through Design Thinking

Monday, July 26 • 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Design thinking enhances student engagement and performance across the curriculum. Come try the DT process and explore resources to help you get started!

1. The design thinking process (empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test) is used by schools and corporations around the world to solve problems and create products; 2. The design thinking process can be applied in any content area to promote critical thinking and student engagement; and 3. Many free strategies and resources are available to teachers, and implementation can be as simple as routinely having students ask certain questions.

Ashley Townsend (Oak Grove Primary School: Prairieville, LA)

Little Big Minds: STEAM for Our Youngest Learners

Monday, July 26 • 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

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Little Big Minds Materials.pdf

STRAND: Lower Elementary / Early Childhood

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STEAM-integrated activities are for all learners, including those in an early childhood setting. Participate in a series of play-based STEAM activities that promote three-dimensional learning.

1. Early childhood students will engage in scientific investigation and inquiry through student-centered activities that promote curiosity, creativity, and innovation; 2. Kindergarten Readiness Math skills are developed through STEAM-integrated investigations highlighting number sense, measurement, and data; and 3. Activities will develop executive functioning skills through play and open exploration.

Lindsey Herlehy (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy: Aurora, IL), Cassandra Armstrong (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy: Aurora, IL)

How Does Your Garden Grow? A STEM Early Childhood Adventure

Monday, July 26 • 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

STRAND: Lower Elementary / Early Childhood

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Follow a storyline through early childhood explorations, looking at the needs of living things—space, water, sunlight, soil. Then engineer a garden designed to integrate all areas, supported by great literature.

1. STEM Explorations need to be authentic and progressive, focusing on big ideas; 2. STEM Exploration leads to agency and equity in all areas of a child's life; and 3. Communication among all of the guides in early childhood, formal, informal, mentors, and family is the key to success.

Ruth Ruud (Cleveland State University: Cleveland, OH), Juliana Texley (Lesley University: Cambridge, MA)