School campuses and school gardens provide inspiring learning opportunities for supporting elementary students’ scientific sensemaking. Students have explicit experiences with science phenomena that are relevant and developmentally appropriate. Scientific sensemaking in the students' local school environment includes (1) access to authentic scientific phenomena, (2) meaningful integration of 3D learning (disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts) and the 5E learning cycle, and (3) multimodal classroom discourse focusing on engaging all students. Students revise and refine their scientific understanding over time in the outdoor classrooms, while also enhancing reading, writing, and communication skills. We will share elementary science lessons and stories that integrate 3D learning and the 5E learning cycle and deepen students' investigation of their local learning environment.
Attendees will learn how to use outdoor learning environments to teach 3D/5E elementary science lessons. They will see how standards were used and integrated to develop both in person and virtual science lessons.
Camryn Lochner (Teacher: No City, No State), Tess Mitchner Asinjo (Principal: Dayton, OH), Hannah Salaiz (Teacher), Michelle Fleming (Wright State University: Dayton, OH)