NSTA Bookstore

Professional Book Study

Zoom Online Meetings

Tue Sep 15, 2020
7:15 PM - 8:45 PM Eastern
Zoom Online Meeting
Tue Sep 22, 2020
7:15 PM - 8:45 PM Eastern
Zoom Online Meeting
Tue Sep 29, 2020
7:15 PM - 8:45 PM Eastern
Zoom Online Meeting
Tue Oct 06, 2020
7:15 PM - 8:45 PM Eastern
Zoom Online Meeting


To register, Log in or Create a Free Account

The Science and Engineering Practices: Professional Book Study, took place in September-October, 2020. We are not taking new registrations at this time.

Are you a K-12 school teacher working to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Science and Engineering Practices from A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)?

NSTA has developed an Online Book Study around the book Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices. This book provides a play-by-play understanding of the practices, written in clear, nontechnical language. Through a wealth of real-world examples you will discover what’s different about three-dimensional teaching and learning at all grade levels.

During the online book study, K-12 school teachers attend live web seminars and participate in asynchronous discussions with the presenters.The web seminars support use of the book to deepen participant understanding of the science and engineering practices. Presenters also share examples and stories from the classroom to illustrate HOW this understanding can be translated into classroom teaching and learning.

During the book study participants have access to:

  • A moderated private forum for group discussions with other book study participants
  • Digital resources and all NSTA online community tools (My Library, My Learning Plan, My Profile, Community Forums)
  • All archive versions of the web seminars to watch on-demand.

The book study presenters will address these three questions:

  • Why does having students engage in science and engineering practices promote student learning?
  • What does it look like in the classroom when students engage in the science and engineering practices to make sense of phenomena?
  • How can educators effectively support students to engage in practices to make sense of phenomena?

Participants will receive a certificate from NSTA after each live web seminar (1.5 hours per web seminar) as evidence of their attendance and participation.

Note: Rates below are for registration only. Participants must also purchase a copy of the book.








Science Leaders Can Sponsor Groups of Educators

Are you a state, district, or school leader working to enhance your teachers' knowledge and understanding of the Science and Engineering Practices in the NGSS? Sponsor a cohort of teachers to participate in the Science and Engineering Practices: Professional Book Study for K-12 School Teachers!

Cost to Groups

  • $1,500 flat fee per cohort of 25 participants
  • Cost of the Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices book

Please contact Flavio Mendez via email ([email protected]) for a quote.

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