
Forums / Elementary Science / Solid, Liquid, and Gas Lesson Plan Ideas

Elementary Science

Solid, Liquid, and Gas Lesson Plan Ideas

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Gabriela Garza Gabriela Garza 820 Points

I am creating a lesson plan about the properties of matter for my 3rd grade classroom. Specifically, teaching them how a solid, liquid, and a gas looks like. I am trying to find ways to incorporate into this lesson hands-on-activities. Are there any suggestions?

Christine Walsh Christine Walsh 2545 Points

You could have ice cubes in a baggie for each student & have them time how long it takes to melt & record what they did to make it melt. Then take some of the liquid water & put it into petri dishes or shallow containers & set it around the room and have them observe how much of the container is covered by liquid water & then discuss over time what happens to the liquid water. Connecting this to what they see when it rains & then puddles disappear is a good link to things they see in the world around them.

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