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Class Control

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Krysta Armstrong Krysta Armstrong 440 Points

As a new teacher, I think the students will try to walk all over you during class. How can the teacher be sure to have full control of the classroom?

Elyse Juarez Elyse Juarez 725 Points

Hi Krysta! With having full control in the classroom, there are a few things to consider, such as, being firm, but kind as well. Another idea is having a set plan on what is to be expected that day. If the classroom is fun and engaging, I believe that students will respect you and stay focused without causing problems. You also want to be consistent and follow through with things in the classroom. I hope these tips helped!

Kristin Preast Kristin Preast 1670 Points

The biggest thing is LET THEM KNOW YOU ARE IN CHARGE NOT THEM!! Most teachers tend to wait to discipline kids to see how long it continues, that's not how it works. The child or children will keep doing what they do if you don't. Have creative sayings to get their attention and listen. 

Taylor Runchey Taylor Runchey 1005 Points

Hi Krysta! I am currently a pre-service elementary/middle school teacher studying at Wartburg College. A classmate and I recently gave a presentation on Classroom Management in our science teaching methods course. I have attached a booklet full of responses we collected that is filled with tips on how to effectively manage a classroom and reach students in ways that manage behavior. All of the tips and strategies in this book are from current, highly experienced elementary and middle school teachers and guidance counselors in Iowa and Minnesota. I hope some of their strategies could be of use to you! It is important to remember that your classroom management techniques will always be evolving and improving. It is something all of us as new teachers will be navigating and experimenting with together! However, beginning with clear, fair expectations at the beginning of the year is a great starting point. It can also be effective to have students participate in forming the class rules and expectations. Above all, as you will see from quotes in the attached booklet, I believe students respond best when they believe you care about them as a person and see evidence that you are invested in their success and well-being! Then, different techniques and strategies can be effectively added on top! 

I hope this can be of benefit to you! 

Taylor Runchey, 3rd Year Student, Wartburg College 


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