Carolina Biological-Smithsonian-September 1.2024


Forums / STEM / Online course for integrating STEM into the classroom


Online course for integrating STEM into the classroom

Author Post
Suzi Taylor Suzi Taylor 160 Points

Hi Everybody - I hope this is an OK venue for sharing this information. I have seen a lot of posts from teachers concerned about integrating STEM into the K-8 classroom, and especially accessing activities that are aligned to NGSS. I thought this might help.

Our university (Montana State) is offering a non-credit online course on this very topic. It is taught by Gerry Wheeler, who is the former executive director of NSTA and was a physics professor here at MSU. Gerry is passionate about NGSS, and I am confident this won't just be the type of online course where you watch a bunch of videos. I think you will truly come away with materials that are useful for YOU.

The course is called Next Generation Science Standards for the Classroom. It begins March 26 and is just $99, including Continuing Education Units.

Learn more or register at or let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

~Suzi Taylor, MSU-Bozeman

Joselyn Hermoso Joselyn Hermoso 785 Points

Hello. I checked out the link and found it interesting. I see that this course is for K-8 only and I am teaching in High Special Education population. I wonder if this is also applicable to me. Thanks

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Suzi, if you haven't already done so, you may want to post this on other threads. New teachers and teachers seeking professional development could benefit from this.

Suzi Taylor Suzi Taylor 160 Points

Thanks for the inquiry! We checked with Dr. Wheeler, and he said that yes, the course would also offer relevant information for those teaching above the K-8 level. ~Suzi

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