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Forums / Distance Learning / Adaptation

Distance Learning


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Genesis Lopez Genesis 605 Points

What is the best way to intergrate a new student who has been doing distance learning since pk or kinder.

Cala Beltz Cala 50 Points

I would want to look into or even just talk with the student and see what they like or what works best. What way do they learn best and integrate what they have to do with what they like. 

Daniela Perez Daniela Perez 740 Points

I think that building a good learning community in the classroom is just as important as the curriculum. Every student needs to feel like they add value to the group, so 'team buidling' should go beyond just getting to know eachother. Establish classroom norms and encourage class discussion. Virtual participation in very different from in person, so setting guidelines helps avoid assuming that each student is on the same page about what is appropriate. I one participated in a class that began everyday with an 'opening cicle'. Everyone stood in a circle and answered a simple prompt. This made it so every single class, every student got the opportunity to conrtibute something. It may seem silly, but even just a simple response breaks the ice and gives you the chance to direct your attention to each individual at lest once that day. 

They had norms such as:

  • Speak from the heart
  • Listen from the heart
  • Respect the voice speaking
  • Leave enough time and space for others

Attached is an article I found here on NSTA. I really like the way they connect ecology to the 'classroom ecology'. 

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