
Forums / Elementary Science / Following science

Elementary Science

Following science

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Nancy Martinez Nancy Martinez 750 Points

Hello, I am Nancy and I am currently going for my bachelors in billingual education Ec-6. I know I will be having studetns who will still need to work on their english and for them to grasp on what I am teaching. Now my question is, what is a fun way for students who are billingual  and non-billingual to engage with each other and actually follow and understand what I am saying? I know I will need to translate for them but I want to be able to do it in a fun way where all students are engaged and everyone will understand at the same time. 

McKenzie Power McKenzie Power 855 Points

I love that you're looking for fun ways to engage all students! I have worked with ESl students in the past and have found that simple labels work really well.  Like for example, if you have a balloon you could place a little label that says 'balloon' next to it. You could also do this with pictures instead of labeling the actual item.  You could engage the students who are english speaking in helping with this task. The students who are ESl could share what they would call that same item in their language. Just a thought. I love that you're make it a priority to engage everyone and make it fun!

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