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Recent Posts by McKenzie
Wed, Feb 22, 2023 7:51 PM in Prioritizing Science in Elementary Education
How does everyone make Science a priority in the Elementary Classroom when there is such a push for Reading and Math. I realize those are really important but so is hands on learning in Science and Social Studies. Do you have any tips or ideas how you can creatively make time/fit this valuable topic in? The curriculum my district uses has it "embedded" into the reading. I have a h...
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Wed, Feb 22, 2023 7:47 PM in Following science
I love that you're looking for fun ways to engage all students! I have worked with ESl students in the past and have found that simple labels work really well. Like for example, if you have a balloon you could place a little label that says "balloon" next to it. You could also do this with pictures instead of labeling the actual item. You could engage the students who ar...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by McKenzie
Fri, Feb 24, 2023 12:50 PM
Nutrition E Book Review
This was a very detailed e-book that contained a lot of information about nutrition, body systems and how food interacts with your body. The interactive components were useful and provided opportunities for the reader to engage with the material. This was definitely more advanced information but could key components could be taken out and used in grade appropriate lessons.
This would be great for a high school lesson on Nutrition and a great way to demonstrate how our bodies function and what they need for all systems to work effectively. Overall, this was a useful tool.
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