There is a thread on grants available to teachers and students in the Physical Science Forum but this notification belongs in Life Science, too. Perhaps others will add to potential environmental grants.
Note the date for submission for this Grant is March 15. 2013
October 1, 2012
Vernier Sponsors Ecology/Environmental Science Teaching Award
Each year, Vernier sponsors the NABT Ecology/Environmental Science Teaching Award. This award is given to a secondary school teacher who has successfully developed and demonstrated an innovative approach in the teaching of ecology/environmental science and has carried his or her commitment to the environment into the community.
Vernier’s sponsorship of this award includes $1,000 toward travel to the NABT Professional Development Conference and $500 of Vernier equipment. The recipient also receives a recognition plaque to be presented at the conference and a one-year complimentary NABT membership.
Applications for the 2013 award will be available later this fall, and the deadline for submission is March 15, 2013. To sign up for notification of the application’s availability, go to www.vernier.com/grants/nabt.
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