Lodestone Systems/K12IRC.org
  • Amanda Tufts

    Amanda Tufts
    Rio Linda High School

My NSTA / Peers / Amanda Tufts

I am a second year high science teacher. This year I am teaching Earth/Envr, Honors Earth.Envr, Physical Science, and 9th grade Physical. I am also a mother of two, married for seven years, and we are a military family.


Forum Posts 12 Public Collections 1 Reviews 2

Activity Points

This month 0 This year 0 All Time 2,525

Badges Earned
Onyx Commenter Pearl Commenter Silver Indexer Gold Indexer PS Indexer Ultimator
ES Indexer Ultimator NSTA Resource Activator NSTA Resource Optimizer NSTA Resource Accelerator Interactive E-book Activator
Interactive E-book Optimizer NSTA New Science Teacher Academy Graduate NSTA New Science Teacher Academy Web Seminar Activator