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I am looking for some great books to add to my classroom library that are about science. I love incorporating read-alouds in my science lessons, but I would love to hear some of y'all's favorite science children's books. (Kinder-2nd grade)
I have often searched for book suggestions. I like that results include fiction and non-fiction titles which can be helpful in tying together writing and science lessons. Here is an example of what a search can return:
I've enjoyed reading Lindsay Barrett George's books, In the Snow: Who's Been Here?, At the Pond: Who's Been Here? etc. They are beautifully illustrated and realistic, plus are good for anticipation and having kids analyze clues before you get to the next page. I like Emily Morgan's series, Next Time You See as well.
Barbara Lehn's What is a Scientist? and Ginger Garrett's Scientists Ask Questions are also great to have in the science classroom.
I also love incorporating literature into the science curriculum! Anytime there is an option to integrate multiple subjects, I am all about it! I'm going to list a couple of books that I have seen used/have used myself and what they were used to teach.
- Bartholomew and the Oobleck by Dr. Seuss - states of matter
- Awesome Autumn by Bruce Goldstone - seasons (particularly autumn)
- Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin - worms
- Our Stars by Anne Rockwell - stars, constellations, comets
Great recommendations! I have had wonderful experiences with all of these books. A great way to spark an interest or use for further research.
I love using and adding literature and tradebooks to science! In my most resent student teaching experience, my students were able to use a lot of Gail Gibbons' nonfiction books. In September, we did a lot of research as class about the science of apples. During this, we used the book "Apples" by Gail Gibbons and also, "From Seed to Plant" by Gail Gibbons. This author has a great way of putting nonfiction information into a way that is great for students to read!