
Forums / General Science and Teaching / NSTA Conference LA

General Science and Teaching

NSTA Conference LA

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Leslee Scruggs Leslee Scruggs 1310 Points

There is so much to see and learn! I am trying to go through the schedule but there are hundreds of options a day...any advice for a middle school science teacher? What is a must see? I want to learn about hands on ways to teach the curriculum and deepen my own understanding in biology, chemistry, earth & space, & energy.

Kathy Biernat Kathy Biernat 4755 Points

This will be my fourth NSTA meeting in four years. My recommendation is to spend lots of time at the National Middle Level Science Teacher Association's Meet Me In the Middle Day. This is on Friday and will feature presentations, roundtable discussions and an incredible Share-A-Thon. Everything is focused on the middle school teacher. I will be there - presenting and doing a roundtable and sharing at the Share-A Thon! Please find me and introduce yourself. I would love to introduce you around. This is a great organization and I am so proud to be a part of it. Kathy

Leslee Scruggs Leslee Scruggs 1310 Points

Awesome Kathy! Thank you, I will definitely "add this to my schedule" :) What is your speciality? ~Leslee

Kathy Biernat Kathy Biernat 4755 Points

I teach 5th - 8th grade students in Wisconsin. I just had a colleague ask me why I would go to these things and present if I have to pay for it myself. I tried to explain what I get out of it - energy , a chance to share and learn from a group of international colleagues.... he didn't get it. Looking forward to seeing you there! Kathy

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

I don't understand how some teachers don't get why we go to professional development conferences, especially in the are of science! No one knows everything there is to know and everyone we meet knows something we don't yet know. Kathy, what you are describing sounds like my idea of the ultimate science workshop! I am planning to attend the NSTA Convention in New Orleans in the fall. Chances are, I will have to pay for it myself. I teach 3rd - 5th and work with 4 schools. Do you have any bullet point lists you wish elementary teachers would make sure their students know before leaving 5th grade?

Kathy Biernat Kathy Biernat 4755 Points

What a great question - thank you! I am so lucky- I teach in a K3-8 school so the 4th grade teacher and I collaborate. She has begun using some of the same words (like hypothesis) and that has helped the transition a little. She also introduced the idea of engineering design this year and has really gone full speed ahead with it. And speaking of speed...At MEMTA the year I went, I had a heated discussion about the use of the word velocity vs speed. It was being used incorrectly. The other teachers said, "Well, it doesn't matter in 3rd and 4th grade if they understand the term velocity". Okay, I could conceded that - but then don''t use it! Just use speed! Instead, the kids get to me and they have a wrong understanding. I hope you will be able to get to the New Orleans meeting- so worth it...though I wish there was a magic fairy that would help pay for these professional development opportunities. I have done some terrific summer workshops (like MEMTA) that I have learned so much from - hard to quantify the results, but I know my students benefit too.

Jess Rowell Jess Rowell 220 Points


I'll be presenting on using Journeys or 'Useful, Relevant Interactive Reading Passages in Your Secondary Classroom'

Journeys are NGSS aligned middle and high school interactive reading passages integrating current scientist case studies, data analysis, graphing practice sets, engineering stories, citizen science opportunities. Students, as virtual researchers, embark on a thematic journey through reading, writing, and multimedia in each Journey. Through varied literacy strategies, they elaborate on their building knowledge, synthesizing scientific concepts from multiple strands, in order to describe scientific phenomena. Teachers, as facilitators for current science issues in their classroom, interact on an online platform to share ideas and engage students further on, where science and education meet. Audience discussion about their own experiences in integrating real science for relevant learning will also be explored through facilitation.

I'd love to see you there March 30 in the afternoon and welcome!

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