
Forums / Elementary Science / Design Challenges Are ELL-mentary

Elementary Science

Design Challenges Are ELL-mentary

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Imani Spicer Imani Spicer 4265 Points

Science concepts can be especially hard for English language learners. Elementary school teachers are working to help special education and english learners understand scientific content while still developing their english skills. By creating carefully conceived design challenges that showcase science content through actions opposed to words, students without exceptional langauge skills are able to participate. The processes begins as a story to pose an issue and to enhance their knowledge, students are given everyday objects introduced to them as pieces of technology. Before each lesson, the objectives are shared with the students to help them understand the expectations. The students are assessed and evaluated through the experimental process as their progress is tracked. This is a great way to be all inclusive with your students. Even students that do not struggle with englsih. can benefot from this practice since all students learn differenlty. Multiple modes of teaching and assessing creates more opportunities of success for children. 

Jennifer Bryant Jennifer Bryant 1890 Points

You talked about good lesson ideas to implement for ELL student, stories and objects make it more interactive and fun. It was a good point that teaching with visual clues could help all students because students all learn differently. All students should be given opportunities to succeed. 

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