OK I have been totally distracted watching a list of videos sent to me by a colleague Top of the list right not is Shake your silk maker http://www.sciencefriday.com/video/09/18/2014/shake-your-silk-maker-the-dance-of-the-peacock-spider.html I am wondering if there might be a way to index these are I suspect they would have utility is someone could find them when needed
Where is the octopus - good for adaptations http://www.sciencefriday.com/video/08/05/2011/where-s-the-octopus.html
The oarfish http://www.sciencefriday.com/video/07/24/2014/oarfish-the-ultimate-fish-tale.html Thought to be the inspiration of sea serpent stories, the monstrously long oarfish provokes wonder in nearly all who witness it. Yet despite our fascination, little is known about this fish, its lifecycle, and how it navigates its deep sea environment. With the help of a frozen specimen, CalState assistant professor Misty Paig-Tran provides us with a biomechanist’s insight into the physiology of this real-life sea monster.
These videos are great! I can't wait to incorporate them in my classroom!
these videos are awesome!
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