Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Collection
Tue, Nov 25, 2014 1:40 PM
Collection Review
I think it is extremely important to introduce the concept of reduce, reuse, and recycle in every single classroom at all grade levels. This concept has a lot to do with sustainability and how we as people treat our earth and the only place that we are capable of living at the moment. In this collection there are good recourses that teachers can use to reach students in the classroom on this topic. One of the resources called Conservation Presentation, has a lot of activities that high school students can engage themselves in to not only learn about reducing reusing, and recycling but also to promote it to their peers in school and to the public. One of the other resources I really thought was interesting was The ins and outs of curbside recycling programs. Not only did it tell about the different programs that are out there to help recycle, it showed the different ways that things are recycled so that we have an idea where our “trash” is going and what becomes of it.