
Forums / General Science and Teaching / Videos vs. Lectures

General Science and Teaching

Videos vs. Lectures

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Brendon Schrock Brendon Schrock 435 Points

There are some great videos out there that provide excellent overviews of topics. Khan Academy and Bozeman Science are a couple that come to mind. In your classrooms, you you prefer to use videos like these? Do you prefer to continue the lecture by yourself? I feel as though students will be more engaged with a change of pace every once in a while with an educational video here and there. Thanks! 

Hannah James Hannah James 115 Points

Hello Brendon,

I am a preservice teacher from Iowa who has had over 100 hours in the classroom. One thing that we have talked a lot about during out methods courses is active learning and the modern learner. Active learning is highly research based currently. Two resources that we have used in multiple of my classes are attached to this post. The first is the 'Learning Pyramid' this shows student's average rate of retention depending on the type of instruction. Lecture-based instruction allows an average of 5% of retention. Audio-visual allows an average of 20% retention. This is an increase in 15% just by changing a mode of instruction. Not only will this help you reach a different group of learners multiple intelligences (Gardener) this will also help students who are struggling to understand a different point of view through the video. Moving from lecture-based to adding videos into your instruction I think will help increase some learner retention, this does not mean that videos will benefit all students. If you start adding other types of instruction from the learning pyramid you may also see an increase in student retention, especially if you are able to move towards the active learning portion of the pyramid. The second graphic I have attached that you may find interesting is the 'Meet the Modern Learner' this is a visual of today's learner. This graphic has a lot of information that may help guide your instruction as well.


Hannah James '20 Elementary Education
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