The Center for Gifted Studies_November 2024


Forums / Elementary Science / BEING ORGANIZED/FUTURE TEACHER

Elementary Science


Author Post
Ruby Guerra Ruby Guerra 550 Points

Hello, my name is Ruby and I am interesred in knowing any great teacher planners that will help when being a 1st time teacher? I am very organized when it comes to organizing and writing what is due in that week or special days throughout the month. Where would I find that great teacher planner and if please show me a picture please! Also if possible, any tips to organize a teacher planner. I would really enjoy any planner, just need good recommendations to one :) #FUTURETEACHER #INPROCESS 

Sydni Callahan Sydni Callahan 400 Points

Hi Ruby! I have been using 'happy planner' for awhile now for student teaching and my regular life schedule. They have teacher editions in many sizes! I highly reccommmed as it has helped me stay organized during this crazy last year of student teaching! Pinterest also might have good ideas as well. 

Camryn Lochner Camryn Lochner 370 Points

Hi Ruby,

I have been using a teacher planner for the past two years during my student teaching. My favorite one I have found thus far is by erin condren. She has a whole section dedicated to teachers. You can find the planners online! Another way I think helps me stay organized is stickers and post-it notes. I LOVE any type of organization sticker. I find mine at Michaels craft store ... they have a whole section. 

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