
Forums / Earth and Space Science / Earth's Feature

Earth and Space Science

Earth's Feature

Author Post
Joanne Park Joanne Park 685 Points

Hello everyone,

I am currently doing my student internship. 

I am trying to plan some activities for my science block plan. I am working with 2nd grade about the Earth's feature.

At the end I want them model parts of the earth for the end project. But I need some help with some of the activities to learn about the earth's features, such as , land and water. 

If there is any good resource that you guys can recommend to me, it would be really big help!!



Anne Lowry Anne Lowry 8543 Points

Modeling is always a powerful learning tool.  And keeping it local to what you and your stduents experience daily allows for deeper connections.  What features would you be focusing upon?  There's so many wonderful reources, that would help narrow the suggestions




Jayleen Barino Jayleen Barino 230 Points


Congratulations on doing your student internship! I am currently in my last year as an undergraduate for the elementary and special education dual certification program and am excited to graduate! Below are some resources that I have gathered from various STEM classes, professional development workshops, and conferences. Hope these help!

- NGSS (has lesson plans correlated to grade-level standards)

- Science Phenomena (to help with engagement and introducing topics)

- Lessons that incorporate engineering (making/creating something)

- Lessons (educator and student friendly w/ accompanying resources)

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