
Forums / Life Science / Limited Science in Elementary School

Life Science

Limited Science in Elementary School

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Aileen Trevino Aileen Trevino 230 Points

As a future teacher, what are some tips on teaching as much science as I can in my classroom? A professor of mine has expressed their concern about how many schools may try to limit the amount of science going on in the classroom and I do not want for that to happen to me. 

Kyli Bumbray Kyli Bumbray 1708 Points


I am a future teacher as well and have noticed that science is only given for a small period of time durring a few weeks throughout the quater. The only thing that I can think of is to maybe make connections to science in other subject areas. For example, if you are discussing animals, you can talk about the scientific animal relationships. Also, if there is any extra time at like the end of the day you can perform some science instead of having the students have some sort of free time. It is hard to incorperate science when the school only dedicates a certain amount of time.

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