Good for you! I've used Lesson Study as 'Collaborative Lesson Research' (Takahashi & McDougal, 2016) with previous elementary science methods classes as a way to practice the profesional inquiry we preach. However, I know that the real power will be when we have cooperating teachers who practice CLR wihtin their PLCs supported (trust and time!) by the school's admininstration. There are strong schools in Chicago affiliated with the Lesson Study Alliance, supported at the school and CPS district, but not (yet) near me. This term, I am piloting use of LessonNote iPad app (born from lesson study) during clinical service. My expectation is that the instrument will help develop skill in observing evidence of students' grappling and learning. This even dovetails with edTPA for us. We will see!
Takahashi, A., & McDougal, T. (2016). Collaborative lesson research: Maximizing the impact of lesson study. ZDM, 48(4), 513–526. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-015-0752-x