
General Science and Teaching

Wish List....

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Kendra Young Kendra Young 17180 Points

Doing some planning for next year. I'm returning to middle school science (YAY!) and plan to spend my summer planning and writing grants for all the cool stuff I want. I know the school needs new microscopes and such, but if I'm going to spend my summer writing grants I want the best ideas. So what's on your wish list for your middle school science classroom (pretend funding isn't an issue, I know I'll have to go find that)? And if you know if any awesome grants (especially for technology) please feel free to share those as well. Thanks! Kendra

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

Kendra, Here is a link to a website that has a comprehensive list of grants for teachers. Maybe you can find something there. Good luck, Betty

Ruth Hutson Ruth Hutson 64325 Points

A classroom tablet would be a great addition, in my humble opinion. I have an iPad for my classroom use. We use it as a still camera and video camera. Students take it into the field so they can take field notes. Using a program called Doceri, my iPad also becomes an interactive whiteboard. What would others put on their wish list?

Sandy Gady Sandy Gady 43175 Points

Sometimes I think I am too simplistic in my wish list. What I have noticed is now that I have a lot of the items on my wish list, I need a bigger room to accommodate the learning and the projects that go with the enhanced equipment. I have the technology and enough knowledge of how to use it to be dangerous and a whole lot of desire to pursue best practices. My Design and Engineering class has grown from 98 students this year to 158 next year. Budget cuts have cut my offering of 5 sections of Design and Engineering to 4 and increasing the class sizes significantly to around 31 students a class instead of the contractual 29. One thing I would note is while technology is fantastic and I am always wanting to have the latest and greatest, given the constraints of middle school, no money to take any live field trips or engage in the outside world, I am going back to using a lot of the basics. It’s amazing what a document camera, projector and internet access will do for student learning. Sometimes I feel like a dog chasing my tail. Though I have to admit, I am thankful to have a tail.

Kendra Young Kendra Young 17180 Points


Have you considered writing any small grants for field trips? I think Target offers one specially for them. When I'm writing a grant for a 'field experience' I always point out that I want to take my students before we study the new topic so that I can build a frame of reference for the new information. I've been really successful writing grants for field trips that way.

Thanks guys!

Sandy Gady Sandy Gady 43175 Points

Kendra, I hadn’t pursued Target for field trips. We have several that are local. That would be a great idea.

Maria Leon maria leon 50 Points

Thanks great Idea Keep It Up.

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