Carolina Biological OSE - January 2025


Forums / Earth and Space Science / Elementary Astronomy

Earth and Space Science

Elementary Astronomy

Author Post
Danielle Campbell Danielle Campbell 200 Points

Hi everyone! I am a preservice teacher and my favorite science topic is space. Astronomy can be difficult for elementary students to grasp because it is only seen in pictures. Are there any good articles or journals I can look into on how to implement astronomy in elementary classrooms? I feel this is important because students have many misconceptions about space. Thank you!

Megan Doty Megan Doty 11857 Points

Hi Danielle,

Sandy Gady created a collection titled Astronomy Elementary Collection that might be helpful. It includes journal articles, podcasts and an archived Web Seminar - check it out:

Astrid Rivarola also created a collection titled Astronomy in Elementary Collection that includes journal articles and a couple of Science Objects. You can find it here:

Take a look through these resources and let us know if they help!


Sydney McCain Sydney McCain 985 Points

Hi Danielle! I am an Elem Ed student and in a workshop for one of my classes we did this really neat experiment that shows how far the distance is between the planets. Using toilet paper and markers we made a scale model of the Solar System with the Sun being the edge of the toilet paper and then moving outwards for each planet. If you want your students to see the shape of the solar system as well, you could take them outside and do this on a larger scale designating different objects or even students as each planet. To go even further you could have them move as the Solar System does. I hope this is helpful and not super confusing. Good luck!

Cris DeWolf Cris DeWolf 11975 Points

Check out NASA Wavelength:

Vanessa Gonzalez Vanessa Gonzalez 755 Points

Hi Danielle, I am also a pre-service elementary education teacher and enjoy Earth and Space Science very much, as well! I am currently in a workshop that has been utilizing multiple engaging activities that can be implemented for students at the elementary level. One activity was about creating a poster advertising a movie about a planet and when presenting you could discuss all the facts of the planet and why you would want to watch the movie about this planet or visit the planet. It was fun, engaging, and really got you thinking. I highly recommend this article "The Many Levels of Inquiry" about inquiry-based learning. Creating lessons the are inquiry-based can be a fun, engaging way to get students thinking and curious about the topic they are learning. Another option is informal learning, such as the Maryland Science Center, or other museums focuses on science, specifically space. A suggestion could be to try to see if they're websites offer any information about activities and what they're exhibits have to offer. Hope this helps!


The Many Levels of Inquiry (Journal Article)

Isis Mena Isis Mena 3600 Points

I love this idea! I have seen astronomy night done in college campuses but not on the elementary level. I believe the students will be extremely involved in activities involving astronomy and a night can be used as a review for Earth science.

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