
Forums / Pre-service Teachers / Strategies to classroom management?

Pre-service Teachers

Strategies to classroom management?

Author Post
Mallory McKenzie Mallory 285 Points

Hey everyone, my name's Mallory and I am a senior at Francis Marion University. I will be student teaching this spring semester. I am ready, but of course nervous. Especially knowing that this is the finish line and sooner than later I will be the teacher and will ultimately have the full responsibility of the students and their learning. I feel confident in the classroom when I am teaching my lessons through my field experience classes, but I am nervous at how well classroom management will be for me in my own classroom. During my field experience, both placements I have been to, the students have behaved fine for me during my lessons but sometimes there was what is always expected, talking! Of course, thats a given, but I am curious to what some of your strategies for classroom management are? What are some helpful things I can do in my classroom that will insure good classroom management? I will be 22 when starting out my first year of teaching, and I don't want the kids to not take me serious because of my age. I really want to succeed in teaching, but I need to make my classroom management a top priority to get there first, I believe. If you have any tips for me, I am eager to hear and would love to hear your feedback. Thank you, in advance!!

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