
Earth and Space Science


Author Post
Hannah Poe Hannah Poe 255 Points

Hello all,

I am currently doing my block classes and am making a lesson about meteors. I wanted to use some sort of hands-on engaging type of activity, but am having trouble coming up with something since I can't get a piece of an actual meteor for students to look at and make observations of. Does anyone have any ideas of alternative things I could use as a hands-on activity for this lesson?

Bruce Donker Bruce Donker 445 Points

I have had student drop different objects from various height to measure crater size. They can work on determining what factors affect the craters. Depending on grade level they can calculate kinetic energy of the impact. A bucket or container with high sides with sand in it is usually what I use. Depending on grade level thay can graph the results and make predictions for other objects at various heights.

Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5755 Points

You can collect your own micrometeorites! 

I'm not sure if you're at the elementary or middle school level so here are resources at both levels: 


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