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Plant Cycle Kindergarten

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Krysha Walsh Krysha Walsh 515 Points

Hello, I am working on a lesson plan for the life cycle of a plant for kindergarten, I have an activity where my students will assemble a flower and label the different parts of it. Does anyone have any other activity ideas?


Kaleigh Greufe Kaleigh Greufe 2555 Points

Hi Krysha, I have done a lesson with flowers and I would suggest that you bring in real flowers and have the students examine them and then find all of the parts of flower on the actual flower. I would also suggest since your lesson is on the life cycle of plant that you could have your students plant their own flowers and everyday have the students make observations on what has changed with the plants each day. I have learned that students learn best when given hands on opportunities to learn such as with the real flowers for learing the different parts of the plant as well as having the students plant their own flowers.

Rylee Flege Rylee Flege 2085 Points

Hi Krysha!

I am a student at the University of Northern Iowa studying Early Childhood Education and I am currently taking a science methods course. I recently taught a lesson all about plants and their needs to a Kindergarten class in which we braught in 4 different types of plants and had them draw/write observations in their journals. I think in your plan to study the life cyclce of a plant, you could do the same thing but have the students each grow their own plant and document it's changes throughout its life cycle. This would be a great way for them to truly experience a real plant and be an engaging hands-on project which is so important for our students. I think your idea of assembling a plant and labeling it would be a great introductory activity to this as well! Best of luck.

Gabe Kraljevic Gabe Kraljevic 4564 Points

Hello Krysha,
If you're teaching about life cycles of flowering plants you should try to incorporate the other life stages as well.

One of the best ways is by growing plants from seeds. Using peas or beans you can show the different life stages with a minimal budget. I've seen seed packs in discount stores. I'm sure you're aware of the plastic baggie and wet paper towel activity. It is great! I recommend that you soak the peas or beans overnight before the students set up their little green house bags. In a short time students will see where plants come from and you can discuss the different parts of an adult plant. Go for a walk outside and have students identify the same structures in the plants and trees they see.

Flowers are how plants create the next generation. Although cut-outs and diagrams are good, I prefer to use cheap, fresh flowers and dissect the different parts. (Check for students with pollen allergies.) Make sure to cut open the ovary, usually a harder, thicker section just below the petals. These contain tiny ovules - unfertilized ‘seeds’ waiting for pollen. Have the students play with the pollen - which is especially noticeable if you get lilies! Show students how to use magnifiers to see the ovules and get closer looks at the other structures on their flowers.

Bring in fresh pea and bean pods from the grocery store and have the students open them up to see the seeds. Pick up some apples and they can have a snack and you can show them the seeds inside. Where did the apple, peas and beans come from? Flowers! Photos or a walk to fruit trees in bloom will connect the two. Think of all the discussions you can have about the fruit we eat and how they all have seeds! Consider incorporating talk about pollinators, particularly bees.

Check out Peggy Ashcroft's article here in the Learning Center:
Early Years Flower Exploration
Or online:
Instructables Flower Dissection

Hope this helps,

Gabe Kraljevic


Alicia Salazar Alicia Salazar 1174 Points

Other activity ideas that you may want to incorporate into the lesson is discussing with the students that the life cycle of most plants begin with a seed and ends with a fully-grown plant. Connect the lesson to their lives where you can make a discussion asking students: Where do we see plants?; Or what are some things plants need to grow? After discussion, you can show the students a small video of the life cycle of a plant or simply read them a book like From Seed to Plant. Discuss the video or story afterward then begin your activity with the flower and labeling the different parts. You may want to assess your students' understanding of the lesson by reviewing their worksheets after they're completed.


A video from YouTube about the life cycle of plants for kindergarten:

Morgan Fletcher Morgan Fletcher 530 Points

Hi Krysha, your activity sounds like an engaging experience for kindergarteners! To add to your activity, I think incorporating an exploration of live plants would be a great learning experience as well. This will allow students to apply their knowledge of the plant parts from the diagram to real plants they encounter outside. Best of luck!

Anne Lowry Anne Lowry 8543 Points

Years ago, I adapted a song by Meish Goldish that I have found very effective.  I tried to upload it, but the site got funky, so I put it at the bottom of the post instead.  We act it out as well,

roots:  squatting (usually bounding a littleas we tap the ground)

stems:  standing from the squat, return to squat, stand again

leaves:  extend arms without touch friends, and flap arms

flowers:  extend arms, curl to tap top of head

seeds:  return to a squat or twist and wave with feet planted,

bulns. runners:  return to squat, exnted arms to side


I have also varied it for different seed transmissions:The seeds of the plant stuck to the fur, the seeds of the plant blew in the wind, the seeds of plant were eaten by a bird (we usually use goldfinches)


And since not all plants are propagated by seed, I’ve used

The bulb of the plant divides underground

the runners of the plant gorw underground


Have fun!



Song  Parts of Plants

(Tune:  Wheels on the Bus)



The roots of a plant grow underground

underground, underground

The roots of a plant grow underground

Roots are parts of plants


The stems of a plant hold up the leaves

up the leaves, up the leaves

The stems of a plant hold up the leaves

Stems are parts of plants


The leaves of a plant make food from the sun

food from the sun, food from the sun

The leaves of a plant make food from the sun

leaves are parts of plants


The flowers of a plant are growing seeds

growing seeds, growing seeds

The flowers of a plant are growing seeds

flowers are parts of plants


Seeds of a plant drop to the ground

drop to the ground, drop to the ground

The seeds of a plant drop to the ground

Seeds are the start of plants



Adapted From:  101 Science Poems and Songs for Young Learners

by Meish Goldish               Schlolastic Professional Books 1996

ISBN 059096369



Megan VanSkyock Megan VanSkyock 1280 Points

I completed a similar project with students in a daycare setting. There is an image uploaded to this post showing that. Another activity I have done in a kindergarten classroom was teaching students about the life cycle of a pumpkin. The specific class in which I taught the lesson went on a field trip to an orchard and farm, and we completed the activity to go along with it. I will attach a file of that information, as well. We did a class reading about the life cycle of a pumpkin with the big book: Pumpkin, Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington. We discussed the cycle in depth, completing an interactive activity on the board where students put the steps in order. Then, students completed the final project which is attached to this comment.

Hope this helps!



George Mehler George Mehler 1575 Points

Hello fellow teacher,
I am replying you behalf of Funsciencedemos YouTube Channel that is home to hundreds of free videos for ideas for teachers and students to recreate in the classroom. Science is our passion and we are so excited to share our engaging, kid-teacher-parent friendly, and interactive lessons with you to use in the classroom or at home. Our videos adhere to the common core science standards, encompass a wide variety of science concepts, and are specifically geared toward younger learners. All videos on the FunScienceDemos channel come with an English subtitle that can be translated into almost any language, making science lessons accessible virtually any place in the world.  
We encourage you check it out and spread the word! We post new science videos once a month, please subscribe our channel.
The FunScienceDemos Team

Holly George Holly George 225 Points

Hello! I am an early childhood education major at Penn State. I would love to plan a lesson on the life cycle of plants. I recently read about an activity where students can make flower bracelets. Any other ideas for hands-on activities for young students?

Juliana Texley Juliana Texley 1490 Points

JASON Learning has an entire 24 lesson unit on this topic. It is behind a pay wall but I think you can get a free preview by providing information. Early Childhood STEM and Bloom Also we are running (free) pilots of a similar collection of physical science lessons. If you want to participate in free evaluation pds contact [email protected]

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