Here is a project you can get your students involved in - if you act fast! Here's more information about an additional opportunity for K-8 teachers who are interested in doing sun-science projects with their students who would benefit from free learning supplies. And thank you again! -Ariel Science Friday is a public radio program and non-profit organization. We're getting ready to launch a month-long virtual science club about sun science. We are looking for educators to try one or two free hands-on sun science project with their students, and share what their students learned about the sun using social media. Each of the sun science experiments were developed and vetted by the Lawrence Hall of Science, and we'll send all of the materials needed to complete them. In return, we hope educators will help us learn more about how social media sharing impacts the student learning experience by answering a few questions about the experience. If this is something you’d like to try with your students as an end-of-the-year project, e-mail [email protected] as soon as possible. We would like to have all materials delivered by May 11th, 2015.
Great information! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing this. The 3rd grade students at my school are now using FOSS Earth Sun Moon module. This will help.
I signed up for the Science Friday and the materials will arrive soon.
Please let us know how it goes!
I tried the UV Detector activity with my 1st through 5th grade students. They enjoyed seeing the difference between the tonic water and tap water in the sunlight. They were able to see how the quinine absorbs light energy and reflects energy.
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