
Forums / Earth and Space Science / The STARS and the MOON

Earth and Space Science

The STARS and the MOON

Author Post
Taylean Zuniga Taylean Zuniga 190 Points

What type of lesson would I be able to do for a SPED class on the stars and the moon? What kind of activities would I be able to do with them? 

Jake Schulke Jake Schulke 1035 Points

That depends a lot on the individual students, their learning level, and what their limitations and accommodations might be. Sun-Earth-Moon lessons lend themselves to hands-on activities using 3D manipulatives to demonstrate the cause of moon phases. NASA/JPL have a lot of resources available to help with ideas ( Ultimately you'll need to get to know what the students normally do with minimal difficulty in class and and in their lives, and then decide how to make a lesson which is accessible to them.

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