Tue, May 12, 2020 12:54 AM in The Phases of the Moon
The phases of the moon is a cool lesson becasue you could do the whole thing without saying a word. Demonstrating the moon phases lends itself to the use of viusal aids, and doing it kinesthetically by having students hold manipulatives and move around each other could be a very fun way for them to access and undersand the concept. NASA/JPL has a lot of resources for space science, including moon...
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Tue, May 12, 2020 12:51 AM in The STARS and the MOON
That depends a lot on the individual students, their learning level, and what their limitations and accommodations might be. Sun-Earth-Moon lessons lend themselves to hands-on activities using 3D manipulatives to demonstrate the cause of moon phases. NASA/JPL have a lot of resources available to help with ideas ( https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/teach/activity/moon-phases/). Ultimately you'll ne...
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Mon, May 11, 2020 8:44 PM in Making science fun
Dear Sarah,
This depends on what you are teaching, how, who your students are as individuals, and what they are genuinely interested in. Do you use student inquiry to drive your guiding questions? Are you using locally-based phenomenae? Do you provide options to students who might actually just be bored? How do you try to get to know them as individuals so that you can try to connect with thei...
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