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New Science Initiative and Curriculum

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Cybil Richmond Cybil Richmond 750 Points

Hello, I am currently the science curriculum specialist for my entire school district (k-12). This is my first year in this position and the first year they have even had a "science coach." I previously taught on the secondary level for 13 years. In Mississippi, there are state science tests given for 5th grade, 8th grade, and Biology I. This year the 5th and 8th grade tests "go live." I need to help my teachers at every level. I have started a listserv for teachers at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels. I send out all kinds of information that I think will be beneficial to them every week, including info that I find here. How can I truly help my elementary teachers because they don't have much time set aside for science on a daily basis? How do I foster a change in mindset about elementary science? I spoke with a science specialist from another district/state who told me that she wrote an entire science curriculum, but it took her a year. She told me that for elementary science it included everything (scripts, etc.) for those who were not comfortable with science. I would love to do that, but don't know where or how to start. What I really want is to start a "Science Initiative." I am very interested in is notebooking for all levels of science, but especially for elementary since they need new books. I have all of the Dinah Zike books and other good notebooking information. My question is, how do I sit down with a few teachers at each grade level and get started? I need suggestions on just making it plain for my teachers. Where do I start? How can I put together a basic "notebook" that can be shared throughout the district? What are some good online curriculum resources? I am truly starting from the ground up and I want the foundation to be a good one. PLEASE HELP.

Kendra Young Kendra Young 17180 Points

Hi Cybil, First of all - congrats on the new position! What an amazing opportunity! I would start by contacting NSTA (will give you a direct email in the private message) to talk to them about getting as many of your district's teachers as possible to sign up for an NSTA Learning Center account. After all, IT'S FREE! :) From there, you can begin to create collections of various resources that are targeted for specific grades and subjects (you can do this without having your teachers create accounts, but I think they would be more likely to use them if they had their own account). You could have one collection specifically for pedagogical information that would be helpful to everyone, regardless of subject/grade as well. Elementary teachers will need help with implementation, content knowledge, and especially with ways to weave science instruction into their math and literacy blocks. Fortunately, NSTA is chocked full of these kinds of materials. Start small and expect resistance. Change is never easy, even when it's positive. Hope that helps! Kendra

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