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Evaluation and Assessment

Modifying Assessments

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Damiya McLaurin Damiya McLaurin 655 Points

Hello, I am Damiya McLaurin. I am a senior majoring in Early Childhood Education at Francis Marion University. In the classroom, there may be students that are not good test takers. Students understood the lesson but they may not perform their best on the assessment. It is important for teachers to give assessments that align with what the teachers are teaching. One way that teachers can modify assessments is by providing feedback to students. Some students might be struggling with assessments so this feedback will help them improve. As a preservice teacher, this is an aspect that I want to focus on. I plan to see where students are and take the data from there to improve on future assessments. I have experienced with students where students did well on assignments prior to the assessment but did not do well on the assessment. This is a problem that I believe should be discussed and resolved so students are able to apply what they have learned effectively. 

Darla Quiroz Darla Quiroz 580 Points

Hello Damiya, yes the best way students will be able to succeed given assessment is if we test them on what they already know. This will avoid stress, anxiety, and overwhelming. Instead, students will be more comfortable and ready to take their assessment. 

Hello, Damiya,

I agree with you that many students are not good test takers. As the educator, it is our responsibility to offer fair and equitable opportunities for our scholars to shine. One of the was an effective educator can accomplish this is by implementing differentiated assignments as well as assessments. The educator should also evaluate their scholars in a formal and informal nature as well. Many times, in Small Group the teacher can assess the scholars simply by engaging in conversation with the students. In science, providing the children with the opportunity to demonstrate their understating out of the box will help build tier confidence. Providing them with the platform to give visual presentations, projects, and or oral presentations also will help the teacher to observe what they understand about the content. You are correct, it is very important that teachers provide prompt, clear, and explicit feedback to the scholars.

Julia Andrews-Johnson

M.A.T. Program

Mount Saint Mary’s University  

Damiya McLaurin Damiya McLaurin 655 Points

Hello Julia,

Yes, this information that you have shared is very true and important! I agree with not only modifying assessments but assignments as well. I loved you included that students should gain knowledge out of the box in science! This is a great way to take learning to a new level. I have been currently learning about this so I am glad that I could make this connection!!The ways that listed for teachers to observe what students understand are good. In my future classroom, I definitely want to include different types of presentations and project so I am able to see what students have mastered and what still needs to be further discussed. 

Danielle Chenoweth Danielle Chenoweth 265 Points

Hello Damiya, I am currently pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Elementary Education at Monmouth University. I am also someone who is not the best test taker which takes a toll on my mental health. A big struggle I am personally having is passing the praxis exams to become a teacher. Most of the test questions and material on these exams are nothing that I am learning in school which I find strange. If these are the tests you need to pass to become a teacher why would they not teach it at universities? Which can come back to students taking tests in class. What if a child is a nervous test taker like myself and knows the material but struggles to show it on tests? Is there a better way to assess the learning other than through traditional testing? I totally agree with adding different types like presentations and projects. I believe that it shows more knowledge about the subject rather than guessing on a multiple-choice test. I know personally that I almost remember all the presentations I have done in my education career. It also works on more areas rather than just what the topic is. It can work on communication skills, presenting information to a group of people, and background knowledge. Overall I believe that time is changing the way assessments are given for the better. 


Damiya McLaurin Damiya McLaurin 655 Points

Hi Danielle,

I am also pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Education. I 100% agree that testing can take a toll on your mental health because I have experienced this. The pressure of passing is a lot to maintain. PRAXIS!!! Yes I feel the same way that pre-service teachers should be offered classes at universities to help with passing Praxis. I have ponder on this on several occasions. I agree with having children in the classroom that know the material, but the test results display otherwise. I am also a nervous test taker. I know that I may familiar with the content, but the test taking skills are not all that great. I feel that there should be other ways that an assessment can be given. All students do not do well due to pressure being placed on them to perform at a certain level. Like you said, this is not something that young children deal with but adults in college as well. I am glad to know that someone else can relate to the point that I am having. 

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