
Forums / Pre-service Teachers / Creating Science at home

Pre-service Teachers

Creating Science at home

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Vanessa Barrera Vanessa 170 Points

Hello I am Vanessa and am majoring in Bil Education EC-6. I am excited and hopeful that I will be able to create fun and engaging stem lessons with my students in near future. I want to create family involvement and get the parent's participaton in our lessons as well. I want to create a lesson bag where the students are able to take their lessons home as well and work on it with their family/siblings. This will open doors to parents so they can feel more comfortable working with their kids and knowledge of what their students are learning in the classrooms. This will have a positive outcome for the students as well as the families and we will all be able to collaborate together knowing it was a team effort activity and we all contributed towards the growth of the student. I think we should see more of this in classrooms and this will create a fun unity in Science.

Damiya McLaurin Damiya McLaurin 655 Points


Hello. I am a senior majoring in Early Childhood Education at Francis Marion. This is a great idea. As a pre-service teacher, this is also something that I would like to implement in my classroom. This is a way for both students and parents to be involved. Parents will be able to know what their child is learning in school. The student can do apply their knowledge at school to doing activities at home. This idea will make science be engaging for students. For example, if students are learning are plants in the classroom then they create grow at plants at home. Parents can assist students with this task by making sure their child knows that plants should be consistently taken care of. Students can make connections to Science not only in the classroom but outside of the classroom. Overall,doing science at home is a great way for students to become at home scientists by conducting experiements!

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