
Professional Learning


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Kimberly Morales Kimberly Morales 1240 Points

Hi all! Besides NSTA which is a great resource for teachers. What other resources are offered to the school's to provide assistance with science education.

Donna Martin Donna Martin 4025 Points

I use Teacher's Domain quite a bit. NASA is also a great resource At HHMI you can order free DVDs

Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92276 Points

Hi Kimberly,
You asked, 'What other resources are offered to the school's to provide assistance with science education.' If you are looking for resources to help you with ideas on how to do inquiry science, I think Annenberg's Case Studies in Science Education are excellent videos. You observe actual teachers with their classes conducting science inquiries on a variety of concepts. You register to use the site for free at: Annenberg

Pamela Auburn Pamela Auburn 68625 Points

I hope that y'all have noted that on May 8th there is a webinar on planning your summer PD activities

Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92276 Points

Kimberly, you might want to check out Newton's Apple - especially if you teach middle school science. It has lots of excellent video clips and lesson plans.

Edith Flores Edith Flores 1360 Points

Wow, this is a question that could be answered for years to come. Here are just a few that I love. - free movie of the day for iPad users - great STEM videos to motivate your students - great resource for UbD lessons, lists misconceptions, create assessments Enjoy!

Pamela Auburn Pamela Auburn 68625 Points

The American Federation Of Teachers is forming a partnership with TSL Education to create a website where teachers can share curriculum resources In the UK

Hi Kimberly, There are several science education sites such as []Physics classroom and []AAPT. I have also come across web based resources with factual, conceptual and grammatic mistakes. I came across [url=] several months back. I let them know that the diagram was wrong and explained how the mistake could be corrected, using an option to contact in the website. But in spite of this, the webpage still contains the mistake (an obvious one). Hence I think that it is fundamentally important to ascertain the authenticity of any material in terms of quality before selecting it to use in our classrooms. Thanks and best wishes.

There are several science education sites such as [url=] and [url=]. I have also come across web based resources with factual, conceptual and grammatic mistakes. I came across [url=url=] several months back. I let them know that the diagram was wrong and explained how the mistake could be corrected, using an option to contact in the website. But in spite of this, the webpage still contains the mistake (an obvious one). Hence I think that it is fundamentally important to ascertain the authenticity of any material in terms of quality before selecting it to use in our classrooms.

I am sorry that there's a technical problem when I use `link' option to the webpages that I mentioned in the posts. I am trying to sort it out and hope that it is done. My apologies for the inconvenience. Thanks.

Pamela Auburn Pamela Auburn 68625 Points

Have you looked at the NYTimes learning Network?

Caryn Meirs Caryn Meirs 26235 Points

Pam - NY Times Learning Network is awesome!! I especially like the interactive photos.

I also wanted to repost Tina's link for - they have changed their portal and there are many more free resources available that you can get to without needing to log in.

Adriana Penalosa Adriana Penalosa 1055 Points

Try Cpalms

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