Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / New Teachers / Science Simulation

New Teachers

Science Simulation

Author Post
Anila Khan Anila Khan 1490 Points

I am sure many people are already familiar with this website, but for those who are new in the field of education and are not familiar with this site, try, an educational website that I happened to experience today. I am a student teacher and my instructor introduced this site to the class which is an excellent resource to use for students. At this site there are “Gizmos” which are interactive online simulations for math and science education from grades 3-12. These gizmos will engage your students' interest instantly, as well as enhance their learning of concepts. In the end students take an assessment of multiple choice questions. The assessment gives instant results of whether the answers are correct or incorrect, and is also accompanied with an explanation to why each response is correct or incorrect. I would strongly recommend you explore this website.

John Pacheco John Pacheco 1215 Points

Thanks for the new resource! I will defiantly use this in my lesson today!

William Grover William Grover 6585 Points

Thank you for sharing this resource. I think that it is vital to have my students engaged and interested in any science subject matter as a way to get them hooked. Thank you again for the post

Uchenna Agbahiwe Uchenna Agbahiwe 335 Points

Wow great resource. Thanks so much!

Amber Escobedo Amber Escobedo 680 Points

Thank you for recommending this website. I just checked it out and I will definitely be using it in the future. I like that the site includes both NGSS and CCSS.

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