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Elementary Science

Summer Time for Professional Learning

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Kathy Renfrew Kathy Renfrew 37148 Points

As an elementary teacher I was trained as a generalist. So I am always looking for ways to improve my conceptual knowledge about different areas of science. What about you? I highly recommend the Sci Packs to help in this area. I made a list of the standards where I needed to develop a deeper understanding and found the SciPAck that would work. SciPacks are manageable in terms of time, location, etc. I do not need to go anywhere. I can work on my own learning in the comfort of my home. I am currently working on the Sci Pack Interdependence of Life. What are you doing for your professional learning this summer? Kathy

Kendra Young Kendra Young 17180 Points

Hi Kathy, I'm returning to middle school next year, but I'm also turning to SciPacks to refresh my content knowledge before hitting the classroom. I love that they cover exactly what I need and that I can access them any time. Perfect for a busy summer on the go! Kendra

Maureen Stover Maureen Stover 41070 Points

The SciPacks are fantastic resources for professional development. NSTA also offers a variety of online courses. The online courses are a fantastic way to increase content knowledge.


Mary Bigelow Mary Bigelow 10275 Points

NSTA has many online PD opportunities. See the NSTA Learning Center for a description of these. I also like the Science Objects, which are 2-hour modules (free) on content topics. A nice way to spend an evening!

Jennifer Rahn Jennifer Rahn 67955 Points

I just came across a MOOC course offered by the University of Minnesota that may be of interest to some of you interested in sustainability. Welcome to Sustainability of Food Systems: A Global Life Cycle Perspective is being offered by Jason Hill, a McKnight Land-Grant Professor in the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He also serves as a Resident Fellow of the University’s Institute on the Environment. His research focuses on understanding agricultural, food, energy, and natural resource systems from a life cycle perspective. Dr. Hill received his A.B. in biology from Harvard College and his Ph.D. in Plant Biological Sciences from the University of Minnesota.

The class appears to be very cross-categorical in its approach; for those of you interested in going beyond 'Supersize Me' in your classrooms, the course has a lot to offer!

Theresa Lee Theresa Lee 1050 Points

I'm taking a MITS course in the Boston area. I like that we visit sites in the greater Boston area that will help us improve our content knowledge.

Cayla Cielencki Cayla Cielencki 450 Points

Currently attending NSELA summer institute. I always utilize NSTA for many online PD opportunities. -- NSTA Learning Center for a description of these.

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