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Forums / Early Childhood / Lesson on Physical properties of matter for 2nd graders

Early Childhood

Lesson on Physical properties of matter for 2nd graders

Author Post
Alyssa Palacios Alyssa Palacios 320 Points

Hello everyone! 

I am doing a lesson with my second graders on physical properties of matter. I was just wondering what are some different ways I can implement this content in a fun way that keeps my students interactive and hands on? Thank you for your help!  

Anne Lowry Anne Lowry 9393 Points

Found object sorts are always itneractive, and really get children thinking about the different criteria.  If this is the first sort, I would limit it to a specific number of items by dividing the class into small groups and giving each group 2-3 objects to examine with question cards, and exapnd it to whole class from there.  Depends on how the class rgeularly functions...


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