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Forums / Next Generation Science Standards / Making Science Education a Priority

Next Generation Science Standards

Making Science Education a Priority

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Alison Wright Alison Thalmann 16435 Points

Do you have research and/or pieces of communication that convey the importance of making science education a priority? 

Alison Wright Alison Thalmann 16435 Points

NSTA Position Statement
The Next Generation Science 
It is essential that all students have access to a high-quality science education that provides them with the skills and knowledge they need to be well-informed citizens, to be prepared for college and careers, and to understand and appreciate the scientific enterprise.

Brianna Martin Brianna Martin 3074 Points

Allison- I think this is important to address because many schools are still putting science in the background and weighing more heavily on math and literacy. Upon doing a search of my own I found an article that talks about the importance of science and where to go from here. I found the article in Science and Children called, " Elementary Science Education in the K-12 System". This article talks about the effects of NCLB and what it has done to science education, it also has some helpful tips on how teachers can get back on a meaningful track with science.

Nicole Lutes nicole lutes 40 Points

My name is Nicole and I am a student at Wartburg College. I agree, it is important to address science in schools however, I think it should be more than just addressing the subject. How can we create a learning environment in schools that meet all the criteria for other subjects while incorporating a daily routine of science as well at a younger age?



Preservice teacher

Wartburg College

Lizzet Alvarez Lizzet Alvarez 185 Points

I am currently taking a class that has allowed me to understand the importance of teaching science in the classroom. As teachers we have become accustom to focus on Language arts and math, however science is just as important. What I do to teach science in my TK classroom daily is have a whole lesson introducing a unit and then I allow my students to make observations and build on their explorations daily after two days of having my students learn through STEM activities we gather again and have another whole group discussion we review our concept and discuss the observations that have been made. Depending on our unit I continue to allow my students to learn through hands on activity and continue to gather. This has allowed me to have science incorporate in my teaching everyday and my students seem to enjoy our science rotations. 

Nohemy Aguirre Nohemy Aguirre 20 Points

I am currently a Pre- K student teacher. I as well feel as if science has been left out. I believe that education has been set up in a way that's way more focused on math and reading. I strongly beleive that it should'nt be this way, especially since science allows students to learn about the real things that are out there in the world. For example; nature, the planets, energy, etc. So far, I have seen that the subjects math and reading are enforced way more than any other, every day in my Pre- K classroom. I beleive that there should be more science involved. Today I was able to deliver a lesson about the planets, I provided my students with a hands on model of the Solar System which they loved. They learned so much wich made me feel accomplished. I just feel that the classroom should have more of this type of learning instead of it just being Reading and Math. My students were given the opportunity to learn about whats out there in the real life. I would like to know in what other ways I could incorporate science in my classroom and future lessons for Pre - K students? 

Jessica Oviedo Jessica Oviedo 910 Points

Hello Nohemy, I agree with the fact that science must be included in our students education in many more ways. I feel that students are not being exposed to science as much as they should, and the focus of our students education should'nt only be Reading and Math, especially for the younger students. The younger students must be exposed to science so in that way they can start openning up to what the world consists of. I would suggest that in every lesson, you should always include hands on models. Young children love to have hands on objects/ models. They love touching and exploring, and this way they remen=ber things easier and are able to learn more. Also include many visual. You could incorporate science by simply taking them outside and exploring what nature has to offer and having small discussions about the observations done with the class. 

Nicole Anthony Nicole Anthony 702 Points

I am currently a student teacher, through one of my classes I have been learning about the new scientific tools that are being implemented in classrooms. I agree with how science needs to be forefront in students' education. Two tools I feel have increased science education in schools are NGSS and crosscutting concepts that can be applied across disciplines. 

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