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New teacher

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Melissa Boan melissa boan 595 Points

I will be graduating next spring and although that may seem like a long time I am already excited and nervous. I am wondering if anyone can help me with tips on inquiry lessons with grades k-5. Is it best to just use NGSSS for ideas for lesson plans and activities? Or are there other resources I can use?

Eric Litchfield Eric Litchfield 4305 Points

Mellisa this is Awesome. I am also graduating next Spring. I like to use lessons and ideas from the PBS and Smithsonian websites.


Science Mini-Lessons (External Website)

Shamama Nargis Shamama Nargis 2845 Points

Hi, Yeyyy congrats! I will be graduating next semester in Spring 2016 excited but in the same time I'm scared... PBS is a good source because my friend is a teacher and she told me she mostly use that and it's really helping her. Also I will say try to use Pintrest , I.G and You Tube because there are many lesson plans and many other things people post there and which is helpful for us to use in our classroom as a teacher.



Oil Spill! (Book Chapter)

Earth’s Shape and Gravity (Book Chapter)

Michelle Brown Michelle Brown 270 Points

Hi Melissa! Congratulations! I know how overwhelming it can feel RIGHT NOW! I'm working with a new science teacher in exactly the same place, and am blogging about the specific steps we are taking to get her prepared so that others (like you) can benefit. Hopefully this page will help:

Carolyn MohrTEST Carolyn MohrTEST 40 Points

Loved your blog, Michelle. Thanks for sharing!

Iris Marrero Iris Marrero 1860 Points

Hi Melissa, I am graduating in the Spring as well! One website I seem to always come back to is Not only do they have teacher resources for science, but for other subject areas as well. Good luck, and I hope that helps! 

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