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Recent Public Collections by Melissa
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Recent Posts by Melissa
Thu, Apr 30, 2015 12:41 PM in Free time
What are some activities that I can do with students outside or during free time that can still be educational so the students are actively thinking throughout the day?
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Thu, Apr 30, 2015 11:58 AM in Technology
Hello! I am two classes away from student teaching and I am wondering what are the best ways to incorporate technology into the science classroom. I am also wondering how I can incorporate science in other content areas. Any advice would be helpful!
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Thu, Apr 30, 2015 11:54 AM in Best science lesson
I am wondering from experienced science teachers what their best or favorite science lessons are. What works best with the students?
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Melissa
Safety Is Elementary Collection
Thu, Apr 30, 2015 12:18 PM
safety collection
I decided to do a review on the collection “safety is elementary”. The reason I decided to do a review on this collection out of all the others is because it is often over looked just how important safety is. I just had an interview for my summer job and the first thing I say is “ safe and responsible fun for the children”, notice the first word ‘safety’. Without safety what do we have? We can have kids on trips to the hospital and that is just unacceptable. I cannot imagine an unsafe classroom with scissors and potentially dangerous just lay around the classroom with no rules or procedures posted for the students to always be able to read and see. It is so important to have rules and procedures visible. I always say “out of sight out of mind” so if the students cannot see the rules and procedures then how can we really expect them to follow any? These articles in this collection are extremely helpful in creating a safe classroom and environment for our students. I really enjoyed reading the articles that are posted in this collection.
If I had to chose a favorite article out of this collection it would have to be “Safety First!” The reason that I would say it is my favorite is because it uses real life examples and experiences. I always understand things better when I can relate it to real life situations. The other articles are very helpful as well though. I read all of them in this collection and really learned a lot about safety in elementary.
Safety Is Elementary Collection
Thu, Apr 30, 2015 12:18 PM
safety collection
I decided to do a review on the collection “safety is elementary”. The reason I decided to do a review on this collection out of all the others is because it is often over looked just how important safety is. I just had an interview for my summer job and the first thing I say is “ safe and responsible fun for the children”, notice the first word ‘safety’. Without safety what do we have? We can have kids on trips to the hospital and that is just unacceptable. I cannot imagine an unsafe classroom with scissors and potentially dangerous just lay around the classroom with no rules or procedures posted for the students to always be able to read and see. It is so important to have rules and procedures visible. I always say “out of sight out of mind” so if the students cannot see the rules and procedures then how can we really expect them to follow any? These articles in this collection are extremely helpful in creating a safe classroom and environment for our students. I really enjoyed reading the articles that are posted in this collection.
If I had to chose a favorite article out of this collection it would have to be “Safety First!” The reason that I would say it is my favorite is because it uses real life examples and experiences. I always understand things better when I can relate it to real life situations. The other articles are very helpful as well though. I read all of them in this collection and really learned a lot about safety in elementary.
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