In these odd times of remote learning, I have wondered what the best way to bring science into the home of students recieving remote learning! Students get so much instruction on ELA and Mathematics, is this a good time to keep things interesting and give students some good integrated lessons to really get some engagement? Is there a resource that can help me make a more effective lesson for students recieving remote learning?
The NSTA's Daily Do is a great resource I've been using to supplement my Kindergartener and 7th grader's work while they're learning from home. I'm still working full time so this resource is really attractive. Sometimes, I just use the topic as a discussion point for our daily walks to get out of the house. Other times, I use the full resource materials to go through the full learning experience.
Has anyone else used this resource in their classroom or with their own kids? What are your thoughts so far?
My two favorites are:
Emily is correct. The Daily Do's are great engaging activities that can get kids outside and and exploring. They are simple activities which still get students thinking about science concepts.
The NSTA daily do and other recources are a good place to start. Also, for older students (Middle or High School) PHET is a good resource.
For younger students, there is
There is also StudyLadder:
Another resource is Science News for Students. These well-written articles (with sources cited) are designed for students and you can search the site for articles of interest. Covid-19 is a main topic now, but as the opening page shows, there are many others. Each illustrated article has a glossary of terms and a sidebar for teachers that includes an estimated reading level. Although these are not hands-on, the information can be integrated into reading lessons, background for investigations, current events, etc. -- Mary B
Like Mary was saying I think it is good to continuing to give students opportuniti4es to investigate. I like how Mary was also giving the suggestion of articles that are interesting to students. When thinking about teaching remotely the social motivation for students is somewhat eliminated so investigations and articles that are in alignment with the individual's interests might be extra motivating.
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