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Gizelle Salazar Gizelle Salazar 355 Points

Hi guys, How has this pandemic affected you had it changed you mental health, has it been a positive or negitive experience on you?To answer this myself this pandemic made me open my eyes and see whats in front of me, spend time with my family becuase they wont be here forever and cherish the small moments the laughs we have just being outside the house. It also made me realize the people in my life who were just stopping me from doing things, people who actually were not just friends and sadly i lost alot of people who i thought would be with me forever. 

Elly Kumbusky Elly Kumbusky 200 Points

Hi Gizelle! 

My mental health has definitely been affected, as have many others during this pandemic. Despite enjoying my alone time, being so isolated from the rest of the world around me was extremely tough, especially being a very social person. It all feels very lonely. A few months ago, I had COVID, and because of a personal health issue, I had to quarantine for 20 days. by the end of the 20 days, I felt like I was going to go crazy from being alone for so long and having no face-to-face interaction. Times like these definitely make you put things into perspective that you may not have given much thought to in the past, such as valuing the time you spend with others, and truly realizing how important your family is to you. Although it's been a rough year and a half for all of us, it is reassuring to know that I am not alone, and that many others are feeling how I am as well. 

Destiny Haines Destiny Haines 300 Points

Hi Gizelle, overall I would say that this pandemic has been a negative experience on me. When everything shut down, it felt weird not going out and doing things everyday. I had so much time to myself, which lead me to get in my head a lot more and for my anxiety to get worse. I am thankful that I got to spend more time with my parents, but I missed seeing my other family members due to all of us being basically trapped in our own homes. This pandemic has definitely opened my eyes to see how so many people can have so many different views and opinions on the topic. 

Tiffany Snider Tiffany Snider 690 Points

Hi, Gizelle. The pandemic has definitely impacted my mental health in many ways. I had to take more time for myself as I was navigating through the stressful situations of trying to stay safe while also continuing my education as a student teacher. I can also tell that this pandemic has negitively impacted many students that I've worked with. I think we all realized how important family is and how we need extra time to take care of our health, physically and mentally. We all just need to stick together and do the best we can in this situation. Many students had a hard time with their virtual learning, so I'm very glad we are back in-person. Everyone deserves a safe and comforting classroom that they can focus on their education and not the hardships that they may have faced throughout this pandemic. 

Tyler Evans Tyler Evans 490 Points

Hello, Gizelle! Mental health was certainly a factor in everyone's lives that took a major hit. For me, personally, it was all over the place. It truly was a rollercoaster of emotions and flips between hopeful and hopeless. It felt like every time we took three steps forward, we would get knocked ten steps back! Having to handle the stresses of my own classes and student teaching was extremely difficult. The impact of the pandemic I saw on students was unlike any other. The backslide of progress from students was drastic, disheartening, and will forever be difficult to fix. However, seeing teachers make the most of it and fake-it-til-they-make-it was inspiring. We all became excellent actors because of this!

Jocelyn Bouchair Jocelyn Bouchair 470 Points

Hello, Gizelle! The past year and a half has been very different than anything we have experienced. Mental health is such an important topic, especially when speaking on the current crisis. Personally, the pandemic has had a large impact on my mental health. I felt very isolated as I was unable to see my friends or family nearly as much as I wanted. The stress of online classes and placements was a lot. I had to make some time for myself to seperate work, school and home life. All of my school work being strung all around my house sat as a constant reminder of all the things I needed to do. It is so hard to keep things seperate when your classes are done in the same living room you try to enjoy personal time in. Thinking of my own frustrations makes my heart hurt for my students who are facing this at such a young age. As we go through this year we all have to remind ourselves of what our students are going through. Just having someone to talk to goes a long way!!

Gracie Whittaker Gracie Whittaker 410 Points

Hi Gizelle! This has been such a difficult year. Never knowing what is going to come up next is exhausting!! I also find myself having a hard time getting motivated to do things. Some of the things that I have tried to do to cope with the stress and anxiety of the pandemic is going on frequent walks and using little organization and time management tips to help me stay on task. If we all support each other and work together I think that we will all make it through this trying time. 

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